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Kiibos pov

I walked through the door after a long day at work to find my robot son taro sitting on the floor looking upset.

"what's wrong buddy?" I asked.

"mommy and daddy had a fight and now daddy's left forever!"

"what!" I picked the small one up and hugged him "don't worry daddy will sort this out"

"ok" I put him down and headed into the kitchen.

Miu was sitting at the table looking depressed.

"miu what's-"

"oh kiibo I'm such a idiot it's all my fault!" miu burst into tears.

"woah hey calm down baby and tell me what's wrong"

"Well I was teasing kokichi like normal and instead of teasing me back he completely exploded at me! I didn't realise why until I remembered that today is the anniversary of his mother's death. No wonder he was in such a crappy mood."

"his mother did mean alot to him"

"but I didn't know at the time and got super defensive and then he called me a slutty cumdumpster"

"you two have such colourful insults for each other"

"and I told him to get out and never come back! What if we never see him again?"

I gave her a hug "don't worry hun I'm pretty sure I know where our purple haired boyfriend has run off to. I'll go fetch him"

"ok and I'll apologise to him when he gets back"

"that's my girl" I kissed her on the head "now why don't you look after our son he's a little upset" she gasped and ran over to hug taro. Guess it would be fine to leave now.

Just as I suspected kokichi was in the bar drinking his problems away. I wish he wouldn't do that it's not good for his health.

"kokichi" I tapped him on the shoulder. He looked at me and burst into tears.

"it's all my fault! I'm such a waste of space! I'm sorry!" not many people know this but kokichi is very emotional when he's drunk.

"hush baby that's not true! Your our beautiful boy who we love very much. Now let's go home" he nodded and clung to me. I ended up having to carry him home which I didn't mind since kokichi is very light.

Miu saw kokichi in my arms and panicked. "oh my god is he hurt!"

"no hun he just drank his problems away like usual"

"I drove him to alcohol?" miu asked with a hint of guilt in her voice.

"don't worry baby you can just apologise tomorrow when he's all sopered up"


We tucked kokichi into bed and miu clung to him the entire night. She must have been really thought she'd never see him again.

The next day

I went downstairs to find kokichi and miu laughing together at the table. The must have made up. Taro hugged me from behind.

"thanks for fixing it daddy!"

"no problem bud. You know when two people fight it doesn't mean they hate each other and once they make up they become closer than ever"


"yep now let's join them for breakfast"


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