Halloween With The Lord Of Ice!

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Kokichis pov

I knocked happily on my parents door. It was Halloween and me and my partners and kid were going to spend it with my parents.

My mom opened the door excitedly "hey guy oh hows my sweet little grandson!" he said picking kiba up.

"yay grandma" kiba said hugging him close.

"miu hunny congratulations on the baby I'm so happy for you" mom said hugging miu.

"thanks Mr tanaka I excited for the babys arrival"

"your not the only one! I can't wait for my second grandchild"

"your counting my baby as your grandchild?" miu said looking surprised.

"of course! Your family dear and any child of yours is a grandchild of mine! Now" he looked down at kiba "let's go inside for some treats!"

"yay!" kiba giggled as mom carried him inside.

"I've said it once and I'll say it again your mom is awesome!"

"your damn right he is!" I grinned. "now let's get inside"

Once we got inside we saw dad rambling on about the dark arts to kiba while he giggled. He loved hearing his grandpa talk about demons and shit. Its kinda worryingly.

The six of us sat at the table chatting.

"so how's kairi, jojo and natsu doing?" I asked noticing my siblings weren't around

"oh well karais hanging out with her boyfriend and the boys are trick or treating with their friends" mom said.

"soon the boys will be too old to trick or treat" I giggled.

"tell me about it! You kids are growing up too fast!" mom said kissing me on the head.

We talked for a while and decided to leave after kiba fell asleep. We hugged them and left. I carried my son up the stairs and tucked him into bed.

"happy Halloween baby" I said kissing him goodnight.

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