Mastermind Miu

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Kokichis pov

I was feeling bored so I discided to do what I normally do when I'm bored pick on kiibo!

I walked up to him with a mischievous grin. He looked at me wearily.

"hey kiibo I saw a cute toaster in the kitchen would you like me to get her number for you?"

"hey that's robophobic!"

"what no it's not! I was just trying to help you so you don't die alone geez!"

"oh save it you were just being offensive"

"no I-" I was cut off by maki picking up by the neck.

"your such a annoying brat" she growled.

I was about to say something back when her head exploded. I feel to the ground and screamed. Makis blood was all over me. I then saw what killed her. A flying drone. It aimed at me.

"looked out!" kiibo pushed me out of the way. The Bodies of my former classmates hit the floor. It kept shooting until only me and kiibo were left alive.

"so you two were the ones to survive huh?"

We looked up to see miu dressed in black and white clothing. She did a little spin to show off "tadaa I'm the mastermind!"

"but I thought the killing game was going to keep going until there was only two of us left" I managed to say despite still being in alot of shock

"Well I got bored of waiting for you guys to kill each other so I discided to do the killing for you" she bent down next to me and kiibo who were hugging each other in fear.

"you know I really happy that you two were the ones to survive. After all you two were definitely the most interesting. And now..."

She gently stroked our cheeks "you will be our darling little pets"

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