Shopping Trip

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Kokichis pov

We were running low on food supplies so Kiibo insisted that we have a family shopping trip to strengthen our bonds. Ha like we haven't had to spend enough time with each other!

Miu who was pregnant and grumpy was super agenst the idea but kiibo insisted and that's how we ended up in our family car. Miu in the front, Kiibo driving and me sitting in the back with taro playing Xs and Os.

Once we arrived we jumped out and explored the mall. Our shopping trip was going great but of course we had to run into a Karen.

"why on earth would you let robots into this shop? There not people" the woman complied.

"their paying customers ma'am" the employee tried to explain.

"I don't care their not people!" she yelled. Taro was whimpering at Kiibos knee at this point making miu very angry.

"hey don't you you talk about my husband and son like that bitch!"

"your married to a heap of metal? Your love life must be sad!" she laughed.

"you wanna go bitch!"

"easy honey let me handle this" I said gently causing her to back off.

I turned to the Karen and gave her my scariest face "alright you cocksucking bitch your going to leave my family alone or else I will send my organisation down to your house to chop you up into little pieces and feed you to raviose dogs and there's no manager you can complain to about it" she teared up and ran out of the shop.

"good job kichi you scared that bitch real good" mui cheered and even kiibo patted me on the back which is weird since he's usually agenst me threatening people.

We turned to the traumatised looking employee "oh sorry about that. We're ready to pay!"

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