Halloween In The Laboratory

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Kokichis pov

"are you excited to spend Halloween with your grampa sweetie" kiibo said cooing over our daughter.

"aba ba" she replied.

"I think that means yes" mui giggled.

It was the night of Halloween and we planned to spend it with the professor a.k.a Kiibos dad. We knocked on his laboratory door which was covered in tacky Halloween decorations.

The man came out dressed as Doctor frankenstine. "hello dearly beloved family come on into my laboratory if you dare!" I mentally sighed. Great this is going to be some tacky hunted house bullshit! Well better get this over with.

After a bunch of cheap jumpscares that didn't even scare yukiko we sat down for some Halloween snacks.

"oh I'm so happy to have you all here, especially my little granddaughter! Oh she so much like you all. She has mius beauty, Kiibos looks and definitely Kokichis lively personality!"

"god help us" miu muttered to which I elbowed her in the ribs.

"oh kiibo your a scientific breakthrough! Not only have you found love but you've managed to create life!" the man picked kiibo up and spun him around. He then looked at us and grinned "may this old man request a picture with his family?"

We nodded and took a picture with him. Till this day he still has that picture in the hallway.

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