Stupid With Love

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Evelyn's pov

I sat outside with my best friends korra and tensen admiring the cherry blossoms that fell from the tree. They were always the prettiest shade of pink and I found myself hitmotised by the way they feel from the tree but today something broke me out of hitmotised state.

A really cute boy.

He had violet hair with a hougi and bright blue eyes. He was the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

"who ya staring at?" korra asked causing me to jump.

"Umm well the thing is I don't know his name but I think I've caught feelings for him" I giggled nervously.

Once they heard that they grinned at each other and basically pushed me up to him.

"oh hi there" he said with a dreamy smile.

"hey" I said blushing nervously.

"my names mako togami" he said holding out his hand.

"Evelyn ouma" I said shaking his hand.

"nice to meet you Evelyn. I hope we get a chance to get to know each other better" he smiled nervously before walking off.

I clutched my chest as a warm feeling spread across my body. It's official I'm stupid with love!

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