Sex Talk

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Inspired by this video.

Kiibos pov

I was sitting in the living room eating lunch after a long day of work when nouki came up to me.

"hello sir" he muttered.

"hey buddy" I said still feeling awkward about the whole sir thing.

"we had a talk about sex today and I'd like to ask you some questions since dad's not here and mom's well mom" he muttered turning red.

I freaked out a little bit thinking I might not be able to talk about this but then again this is the first time he's come to me about something. This could be a great bonding experience!

"alright I'll try to answer the questions as best I can"

"ok thanks sir" he took a seat next to me. "ok so I know that when the sperm goes in it looks for the egg and only one can survive and get into the egg to make the baby but if there's only one egg then how are twins and triplets born?"

"Well sometimes the egg will split into two or three eggs making twins or triplets" I explained

"ok I understand!" I smiled at him. He such an innocent boy. Maybe this whole sex talk won't be so ba-

"ok next question does sex hurt?" I jumped at the question. I definitely wasn't expecting that!

"Well it can hurt when it's your first time so you have to be very gentle"


"hold on! Your not planning on doing anything like that are you nouki!?"

"what!? Of course not sir I'm just curious" I let out a sigh of relief. Of course he's not planning on doing anything like that he's only ten but a parent can't help but worry.

"ok last question is there any way to have sex without getting the girl pregnant?"

"well yes you can wear protection or have the girl take a pill"

"interesting. Thank you for having this talk with me sir" he bowed politely and left.

I smiled to myself. He's such a good kid.

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