Aunt Sonia

482 12 19

Take place 2 months after meeting the parents.

Kokichis pov

I was sitting in my room cuddling with kiibo and miu when I heard mum say.

"Sonia! Chaiki! It's so good to see you"

"ahh it's wonderful to see you too you kazuiki" Sonia chirped. "so where are gundam and the children."

"oh gundams taken the children out but kokichi in his room."

"wonderful! I must go see him" I scrambled to get up but fell flat on my face.

"are you ok kokichi?" aunt chiaki asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks aunt chiaki" I said standing up. Aunt Sonia immediately takle hugged me.

"I'm so happy to see you my darling nephew" Sonia said nuzzling into me.

"I'm happy to see you too aunt Sonia but please let go" I said as kiibo and miu started laughing at me. Aunt chiaki smiled at them

"hello you must be friends of kokichis"

"we're his partners actually" kiibo said.

"my darling nephew has started dating?" aunt Sonias eyes lit up "oh baby I'm so happy for you! But since I care deeply for you I will be interviewing them to make sure there right for you" she gonna do what!?

Aunt chiaki laughed at her wife's antics.

"my darling you so strange. What are you going to be like when our children start dating?"

"then I shall go through the same process" aunt Sonia announced

"speaking of your kids where is sora and carly?" I asked.

"oh there in the kitchen playing with kazuiki. Perhaps you should give him a hand?" chiaki suggested.

I sighed. It was no use. When aunt Sonia puts her mind to something there's no stopping her so I might as well help out mom.

I walked into the kitchen to see mom on his knees playing with my four year old cousins.

"oh hey baby did your aunties embarrasse you?"

"not as much as you did" I chuckled "aunt Sonia insisted on interviewing kiibo and miu to make sure they're right for me" mom laughed.

"sounds like Sonia!" he stood up "I'll go get them some snacks. They'll probably be worn out by the time she's done with them."

"good idea" I muttered. My little cousins immediately ran to me.

"Big cus big cus" the sang jumping around me.

"come here you little rascals" I said scooping them up in a bear hug. I played with them for ten minutes. Then my partners came out looking worn out.

"there such wonderful people kokichi! You really managed to pick some good partners" Sonia said hugging me.

"thanks aunt Sonia" I giggled.

"she really drilled into us with those questions" miu whined.

"here I got you kids some snacks" mom said placing the food down.

"ahh thank you Mr tanaka I can always count on you to make us feel welcome." kiibo said gratefully.

And just as things were settling down my uncles showed up.

"hello everyone! I've come bearing gifts on this hopeful day" uncle nagito said cheerfully.

"uncle nagito" carly and sora yelled running towards the white haired male.

"hey did you forget about uncle hajime" uncle hajime said.

"yeah and what about me you brats" uncle fuyuhiko said irritatingly.

Along with my uncles were my cousins nanako,haiku and Monica (yes nagito adopted Monica)

"oh fuyuhiko your here too? Where are peko and the kids" mom asked.

"didn't bring them. I just saw these morans heading to your house and decided to tag along" uncle fuyuhiko muttered.

"Well you came down at a good time. Kokichi partners are here." the three of them looked at them.

"so your dating my nephew? Ah such hopeful faces its an honour to meet you all"

"pleasure to meet you kids"

"if ether one of you basturds breaks my nephews heart I'll send my yacuza boys to make sure they never find the body!"

"uncle fuyuhiko!" man he's ten times worse than aunt Sonia!

I took a seat next to my partners. "so now you pretty much met my whole family" I said.

"and what a crazy family it is" miu muttered.

"yes well I do like the fact that you have a big family" kiibo said politely.

I wrapped my arms around them both "well I'm glad you like them cause as long as you're with me your stuck with them."

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