Blind Baby

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Kokichis pov

I paced back and forth nervously. The doctor said that there's something wrong with our newborn daughter and I'm kinda freaking out.

Miu was sobbing a little from fear. Me and kiibo despite being scared ourselves did our best to comfort her in her time of distress.

The doctor came in holding our baby girl. She had blonde hair like miu and her eyes were purple like mine though her were a lot lighter a shade. She babbled happily as she was placed in mius arms.

I turned to the doctor "so is she ok?" I asked.

I doctor sighed "I'm afraid we've discovered that your daughter has been born blind" miu burst into tears "I'm very sorry for this new" he bowed and left.

I looked over at miu wanting to cheer her up "hey we're still going to call her toff right? Cause she's sweet like toffee" miu nodded with a small smile.

"and we'll still love her the same right?" they both nodded "then don't get so upset over her being blind cause no matter what she's still our little girl" I said kissing her on the head.

They smiled and hugged me. I looked down at our baby and made a promise that I'll protect her no matter what.

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