Christmas With Dice

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Kokichis pov

I walked to dice headquarters with renma in my arms and maki walking beside me. It was Christmas and I planned on celebrating with my family dice. This is renmas first time meeting them since he was too nervous to leave the house before.

"hey guys!" I yelled throwing the doors open.

"great leaders here!" tori yelled running up and hugging me (she's the one with the pigtails)

"bubbly as always aren't you tori?" I giggled.

She stopped hugging once she noticed renma "who's this little cutie?" she asked.

Renma nuzzled into my shirt whimpering "this is my son renma" I told them.

"aww he's soooo cute!" tori giggled.

Renma hid in my shirt "he's a little shy. Go on buddy say hi"

"hi" renma muttered.

"why don't you come with me and help me cook some mince pies?" riku asked (he's the one with the bangs over his eye)

"ok" renma said shyly as he followed riku to the kitchen.

Me and maki had a great time just chatting about random things until riku and renma came in with mince pies. I took a bite of one and grinned.

"wow renma this is amazing! Your a great cook little buddy" I praise him.

"thank you" renma said bashful

"he's a much better cook than he's father that's for sure" maki chuckled. I elbowed her with a pout. I was happy though. Things were finally starting to look up for us.

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