1. Trainride

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A train whistle blew as the 2 boys stood by the portal between magic and muggles. The first one wore round glasses and had floppy brown hair. The second had shoulder length hair black hair and soft brown eyes that seemed as though they were looking for trouble. They had odd carts in their beside them containing trunks of odd shapes and sizes.

"How is it possible that Moony and Izzy always manage to be late?" Said James.

"They'll turn up James" said Sirius.

"By the time they do we will have missed the train and our 5th year of Hogwarts" James muttered.

"Why Padfoot and Prongs that can't be you!" Yelled a voice from down the train station. It appeared to be coming from a third boy. He had light curly brown hair that stretched down to his ears and into his face which wore a smirk. He walked besides a girl with similar features but darker hair who wore a black mock neck shirt with mom jeans, a tan trench coat, and black military boots.

"Remus! Izzy! we were beginning to worry that you wouldn't show up." James said

"James I always show up don't I?" said the girl named Izzy as she scanned the group "Where is Wormtail?"

"Probably on the train that's about to leave for Hogwarts" smirked the Sirius .

"Well then I suppose we best be off" said Remus.

One by one they did what seemed to be impossible. They ran straight through a wall.

"Never will get used to that" Izzy said when she got to the other side.

"What do you mean?" Asked Sirius

"I mean running straight through wall" laughed Izzy

"Magic works wonders ever day" said James

"Like getting your hair to stay like that?" Asked Remus ruffling James's hair.

"Hey!" Exclaimed James as he attempted to fix it by running his fingers through it a couple of times.

"Good thing you didn't do that to Sirius" laughed Izzy "he would have literally murdered you"

"No one touches the hair but me ok?" Sirius said rolling his eyes.

"Whatever mate let's just get on the train" James said stepping up and onto the train. The rest of them followed him and they managed to find a compartment to sit in. James and Sirius sat next to each other leaving Remus and Izzy to sit together.

"I want the window!" Izzy slid into the seat before Lupin could get there.

"Hey not fair!" Cried Remus attempting to push Izzy out of the seat. "Just because you were born 1 minute before me does not entitle you to this seat!"

"Your right the fact that my ass is in the seat is why I'm entitled to it" Izzy replied laughing as she shoved him off of her and into the seat beside them.

"What did I just walk into?" Asked a girl with red hair as she stood at the entrance of the compartment.

"Lily!" James rushed towards the girl and swept her up into a hug.

"Unhand me James" sighed a very exasperated Lily as she pried James hands off of her.

"Oh come on! Admit you missed me" James looked at her with puppy eyes.

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