-the beginning-

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It all happened so fast

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It all happened so fast...

One minute, the young girl was visiting her dad in the hospital every day after his accident. 

Bringing him flowers and watching the doctors try to pull him from his coma, but nothing seemed to work.

They had told her to say her goodbyes, but she nor her family could bring themselves to do so, ensuring that the doctors were doing everything they could up until his last moments. 

Allowing him to go on his terms. 

She would sit by his side, day in and day out, for hours upon end, holding tightly onto his hand, praying to the god she didn't believe in. 

The last day she saw her father, she sat beside his bed watching the news. It looked as though there was a virus going around. No one knew what it was, but everyone in certain towns was told to stay home. 

It hadn't hit Atlanta yet, but it seemed all under control. 

She smiled at her father. 

"I'll be back; wake up while I'm in there, okay?" She told his unconscious body as she walked to the bathroom. 

She washed her hands in the sink before running the cold water over her face. 

Staring in the mirror as she leaned against the sink. 

Her dark makeup around her eyes had smudged. She cleaned up around her eyes with her fingers, which carried more rings than necessary, and her chipped black nails, which she hadn't painted since her father was shot. 

Her pale skin showed off the tired bags under her eyes, her freckles more prominent.

Her green eyes stared back at her.

She looked exhausted. 

She prayed every day that she would hear her father's voice once more, that he would open his blue eyes and tell her that everything would be okay.

The four white walls in the hospital room became like another home to Theo. She spent most of the day in front of the large window that showed the city, a sketchbook in hand.

Except one day, that all changed. 

She had entered her home after being at the hospital all day, pulling in on her bike as she walked inside, not speaking to her mother as she headed up the stairs, flopping onto her bed and falling asleep.

The next thing she knew, there was a loud bang outside, and she found herself running away from her city with her brother, her mum and her dad's best friend.

No one knew what was happening; she didn't understand it.

All she knew was that something indescribable had hit the world, which would sound made up if you weren't there to live it.

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