-shower thoughts-

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"See it?" Glenn asked T-Dog, constantly looking for the sign in the dark as he drove so fast that it was hard to look at the signs and drive.

"There", T-Dog pointed out, Glenn again put his foot down.

They followed the road as they drove up to a white farmhouse.

The dust rose from the ground, covering the truck in dust and dirt and changing its colour completely.

Glenn slammed on the brakes before getting out of the car, not even bothering to turn it off. He ran to the back and let Daryl jump off his bike to grab Theo. 

Rick exited the house, followed by an older man.

"What happened?" Rick called out, looking at his daughter, covered in dry walker blood. 

"Get her inside" " the older man instructed, looking at her worried to see if he could see any entailed injuries. 

"Is he?" Glenn began, wondering about Carl as Daryl ran into the house with Theo. 

"He's alive, but it's not looking good, not unless Shane gets back soon", he announced before running in after Daryl. 

He ran into the house, following the man who owned the place.

Daryl was shown to a room. 

Theo was placed down on the bed. 

She was checked over for bites.

"Patricia, get me the spare IV bag from the kitchen" " the man told the woman beside him. 

"Don't put it in her arm; put it in her hand", Daryl told the man. 

He looked at Daryl, confused. 

"If she wakes up and sees it in her arm, she will pass out again," Daryl explained, and the man nodded, understanding. 

"What happened?" Rick asked, coming into the room as Patricia returned with an IV. 

The man hooks Theo up to the IV through the vein in her hand. 

"She must have heard us or something because after that woman on the horse took Lori, we ran back to the highway, and not long after, she appeared" Daryl rubbed his head, looking down at Theo's lifeless body. 

"She will be okay; she just needs some rest. I'm Herschel. This is my farm, and I will ensure she is returned to health." Herschel, the owner, nodded at Daryl as he released a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. 

"Where is Sophia?" Rick asked, hoping it was good news. 

"She wasn't with her" Daryl bit his nail, not looking away from Theo. 

"We need her strength; she needs to help us, and her brother needs blood. I've given as much as I can, but she is the only other with an exact match", Rick explained, rubbing his face. 

Daryl looked at him.

"You know she has been gone for two days", Daryl snapped. 

"I understand, but my son is dying in the other room and without blood..." Rick sighed. "She will be okay once she has had rest and fluids." Rick looked at Daryl with a warning expression. 

"She could have died out there", Daryl pointed at Theo. 

"But she didn't. She is now safe. Carl could still die!" Rick snapped, tears falling from his eyes. 

Daryl sighed. 

"I'm going to head back to the others, see if Sophia is there, and I'll be back soon." Daryl nodded, looking at Theo once again before leaving. 

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