-when five became six-

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50 days have passed and Theo had managed to fit into the new camp well. 

On the first night she had the pleasure of meeting everyone, some in the same boat as her, losing family members also.

She had managed to spill her heart out to one guy who seemed shy at first. But a week into the camp she was getting changed in the RV, only to be walked in on...


Theo was minding her own business, getting dressed after having a quick shower. 

She pulled her underwear up, clipping her bra on when someone walked in. 

She turned in fright to be met with Glenn.

"Holy shit!" Theo yelled as she threw a towel at him

"Oh my god! I'm sorry!" He ran out the RV, tripping down the steps, landing heavily on the ground. 

Theo quickly jumped into a pair of shorts before pulling her shirt over her head. 

"Are you okay?" Theo helped him off of the ground. 

"Yeah, just wanted to know if you needed anything before I make a run..." He looked down embarrassed 

"Glenn right?" Theo doubled checked as he nodded. "If you wanna see a girl naked I suggest introducing yourself first" She laughed. 

He blushed heavily before she began laughing even harder. 

"I'm joking Glenn" She tapped him on the shoulder as he sighed in relief. 

"I'll come with you if that's alright?" She asked as she attacked her holster to her leg with her gun in.

"Yeah!" Glenn smiled

It was the weird beginning of their friendship and they had been almost inseparable since.

But it was working, the community had come together to keep each other safe.

A group of strangers who would have never have even met if it wasn't for the world ending. 

"You alright sweetheart" Dale, the older man with the RV came to sit next to Theo. She was currently making bolts from wood she had found.

Her blonde hair moved slowly over her shoulders as she turned to look at him.

"Yeah, I'm okay" She smiled, it was a fake smile, but unsure that she had genuinely smiled since shit hit the fan, meant no one knew the difference.

"What are you doing?" He asked he looking at what she was doing.

"Just passing time" She slowly nodded looking down at the small pile that was forming.

"You don't own a crossbow?" He asked, but soon realised and smiled, nudging her shoulder slightly.

"Isn't fair that he goes out all day and might run out for them" She sighed throwing another on the floor before looking at her mother and brother.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked politely. Dale wasn't one to push, he was kind and honest. He was at least in his 60s showing grey hairs on his head, on his beard, wrinkles forming on his skin. He dressed in a Hawaiian shirt with white trousers, followed by a sniper rifle over his shoulder at all times in order to watch the far distance. 

"Just, wishing my dad was here" She admitted, looking back at her mother Lori, who was currently doing the washing while watching Shane and Carl. They had become like a happy little family, she thought to herself.

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