-wet dreams-

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"Hey," someone called over to her, waking Theo up. 

She slowly opened her eyes, looking in the direction of who called her name.

She looked around to see Daryl's head poking through the door.

"What time is it?" She asked as he slowly walked inside the room.

"About 3 am, but I couldn't sleep," he said, walking closer. 

"You scared the shit out of me," Theo admitted, sitting up and yawning.

He walked over awkwardly before sitting next to her.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked, looking at his worried expression.

"I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about something, and it was keeping me up," he began. 

"When you were missing for those two days... I missed you more than I ever thought I could," he admitted, unable to make eye contact.

Theo stayed silent, taken back by what he said.

"I thought I was never going to see you again. How I should have just listened to myself. Because I thought I was never going to be able to hold you again, hear your voice, kiss you again..." Daryl sighed as he looked up at Theo's burning eyes. 

"All I want to do is kiss you anytime I see you", He admitted to Theo as he took her breath away. 

"You do?" Theo asked. 

She wanted the same thing, and God, how she wanted to do it again and again.

"I dont want to scare you off. I just can't stop thinking about it" he was getting frustrated.

"Hey," Theo said, grabbing his hand; he finally met his eyes with hers.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, not ready for her to say yes, so he braced himself to walk off awkwardly.

"Yes...please...just kiss me," Theo answered without thinking, but she had no time to stop before Daryl slammed his lips onto hers; Theo promptly responded. She grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him in closer to her.

He gently pushed her back so he was on top of her, never leaving her lips. 

They moved in sync as he pushed himself down on her. 

He pulled back to grab his top off, making Theo do the same, leaving her bare, but he quickly put his lips back on her before travelling down her neck.

He grabbed under her thigh, pulling her closer to his body

"Theo?" he whispered, looking up at her.


"Is this okay?" he asked, lifting his head to look her in the eyes. 

"Yeah" she smiled "This is more than okay" She smiled

"Theo," he said again still looking at her. 



"What?" Theo snapped; she was getting annoyed


Theo shot up in frustration before realising she had just woken up.

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