-one thing after the other-

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"So this is it, the whole plan?" Carol asked, sitting down. 

They had been walking for about 20 minutes, the sky already turning dark reds and oranges, indicating that the sun was going down. 

"Yeah, I guess, splitting us into smaller groups," Daryl instructed. I am stopping for everyone to catch up.

"That's great. With our knives and pointy sticks. You have a gun?" Andrea snarked at Lori.

 Andrea had her gun taken from her because Dale thought she was going to try and kill herself. 

It angered her, and now Lori had been given a weapon; it was worse.

"If you want it here," Lori said, giving her the gun. "I'm sick of the looks you're giving me", she snapped, sitting down. "And Carol, I know you're upset, hell I'm scared out of my damn mind, and my daughter is 20, but you have to stop blaming Rick; it's not his fault when she ran; my daughter did not hesitate", Lori ranted "You look to him and my daughter and then blame them when it goes wrong. None of you has to stay; do it without them if you think you can," she breathed out.

Andrea walked over to Lori, giving her the gun back.

"We need to keep moving," Andrea told Lori, as well as the others

Lori grabbed the gun and continued past the rest of the group.

Daryl was in his world, searching for Theo even as they ran back; all he could think about was her being safe. 

They were halfway back, minding their own business, when a large gunshot went off, causing the group to stop in their tracks. 

"That wasn't us", Lori pointed out. 

"How do you know?" Glenn asked her, panicked.

"It was only one shot" Daryl jumped in, knowing something wasn't right.

"They wouldn't shoot for one walker", Lori began to panic, wanting to head back.

"They will be fine," Daryl told them, trying to calm her.

"I don't like this; we need to go and find them" She began walking back in the direction they came from 

"No, come on, think about this; we need to get back" Daryl followed after her.

She breathed out, stopping where she was.

"It just doesn't seem right," Lori told him worried. 

She looked at him, dead in the eyes.

"I need to get you back," he whispered when he wanted them back and to leave in search of Theo.

She thought it over in her head.

"Fuck..." Lori breathed out, grabbing her hair in frustration.

"You have to take everyone else back," Lori demanded as she looked at Daryl. 

He groaned before hesitating.

"No," Daryl said again.

He looked at her, his face becoming annoyed.

"I need to get you all back." Daryl yelled. 

"Theo is still out there, I get you all back and then I'm going back out" Daryl snapped as everyone looked at him surprised. 

"Guys, we need to get back, all of us; that way, they know where we are", Glenn agreed with Daryl. 

"Fine," Lori said as she walked ahead.

"I'm not doing it to be a dick," Daryl said from behind them.

"I know, I know. Just get back and try and find my daughter," Lori answered, and they all continued in silence back to the highway.

The group was almost back on the highway when screams came from afar. 

They looked around, trying to hear where it was coming from. 

Daryl was hopeful that maybe this was Theo, but then he realised Andrea was gone.

He accidentally sighed out loud. 

"Jesus, why can no one fucking just keep together and walk in a fucking straight line" Daryl angrily looked over where the screams had come from.  

"Andrea!" Lori yelled as they followed the echoes.

They ran for only a moment only to see her getting attacked by a walker.

Lori was about to hit the walker when a woman on a horse beat her to it.

The group backed away slightly as the woman settled the horse

"Who are you?" Daryl asked, pointing his crossbow at her.

"Lori?" she questioned, looking at everyone. 

"I'm Lori", Lori answered, confused about how the woman knew her name.

"There has been an accident Rick sent me; your boy, Carl, he's been shot," she told the group.

"What?" Lori asked, wondering if she had heard correctly.

"You need to come with me", she said, looking down at the tall, skinny woman.

"Go!" Andrea told her, making her get on the horse.

"We don't know this woman!" Daryl yelled at Lori, who was already getting on the horse.

"When you are back on the highway, take the next exit, follow the road to Green Farm," the stranger told them as she left with Lori.

After a few minutes, the rest of them got sight of the RV.

"Carl, he's been shot; we need to go", Andrea cried out, climbing over the bollard.

"We can't just go," Carol sighed looking around scared. 

"Carol's right. Sophia comes back; she won't know what to do", Glenn began, looking over to the others. 

"I'll stay back with the RV; meet you in the morning." Daryl said, "I'll head out again in the morning and make my way to the farm then." 

But just as they were about to leave, something in the woods moved. 

Everyone aimed their weapons up, seeing a body head towards them. 

"Daryl..." The voice called out.

"Theo!" Daryl ran to her quickly, taking her body in his arms as she passed out. 

"Come on", Glenn called out to Daryl as he ran to one of the vehicles. 

"Take T-Dog; that infection will kill him", Dale explained as T-Dog walked over to the truck, leaving Carol, Andrea and Dale with the RV. 

T-Dog had sliced his arm open when the walkers heard came along earlier, and he had been getting worse since.

"Glenn, T-Dog, come on!" Daryl yelled as he placed Theo in the car before jumping on his bike. 

"See you tomorrow" Daryl nodded before starting his engine and driving closely behind Glenn. 

Glenn put his foot down hard, ensuring he got to the farm quickly. 

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