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Glenn explained his plan clearly as everyone listened carefully. 

"So?" Glenn asked, looking around the room at everyone. 

It was silent until it broke into an argument, making Glenn sigh. 

"You are not going on your own!" Theo demanded

"I agree, and I don't even like you that much," Daryl said, earning a sharp glare from Glenn.

"It will be faster, in and out, go down this alley", he said, following a stapler over the map he had drawn up. "I do this all the time, alone. I always come into the city on my own, and funny enough, as soon as I bring people with me...shit hits the fan. So, can you let me do this?" Glenn sighed as everyone continued to listen. 

He continued with his plan.

"What did you do before this?" She asked Glenn, realising she didn't know.

"Delivered pizzas", he said, raising a brow with a small smile, causing Theo to laugh. 

She smiled at him before they carried out the plan.

Theo followed Rick and T-Dog, while Daryl and Glenn went another way.

"Is this dumb?" She asked, checking her gun.

"Stupid", T-Dog answered without turning to look at her. 

They waited, only knowing that they were there as things went south

Suddenly, there was a lot of shouting in different languages. This caused the three to wait down a different road to run in that direction.

They turned the corner and were met with Daryl.

"What the hell, where is Glenn?" Theo asked, panicked; she knew he shouldn't have gone on his own

Rick shoved Daryl off of a strange boy who they didn't know. Or where he came from.

Theo walked over to him, stopping the young-looking boy from running, causing him to punch her in the face. 

She wasn't too taken back by the pain, only knocking her slightly, making T-Dog step in, but when she was back and steady, she managed to place a clean, hard punch across the boy's face, sending him to the floor in pain.

"You alright?" Rick asked her as she wiped the small amount of blood from the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand before nodding. She ran her tongue over her teeth, checking they were all still there.

"They took Glenn," Daryl yelled, flustered and mad.

"To the ladder, go!" Rick yelled as walkers blocked them off from the other side.

As they all ran to the ladder, Rick grabbed the boy to follow, and Daryl ran next to Theo.

"Ya alright?" Daryl asked, her concern.

"He punches like a girl," she laughed as the young boy looked back at her, scared, Causing Daryl to smile, too.

They finally got to safety, and all entered a room and started interrogating the guy.

"We just want to know where your men went," Rick calmly stated as he looked down at the boy they had tied to a radiator. 

"I'm not telling you shit!" he answered, making the rest of them sigh in annoyance.

"They took Glenn; they could have taken Merle too," Daryl thought, making everyone silently agree.

"Merle? What sort of name is that? I could have named my dog Merle," the young boy answered with a hysteric laugh. This caused Daryl to fly his foot at the boy, only to be blocked as Rick pushed him back.

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