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Daryl explained to Glenn that Shane was hurting her, nothing more, nothing about her past, nothing about where she was getting the bruises from.

They had a plan; they would get Theo to tell Glenn everything Daryl had explained, hoping to reduce the risk of breaking his promise. 

Everyone came to a stop. 


"I think we are going to have to leave that truck and drain the other cars. We will have one car with Carl, Carol, Sophia Lori, and me, the rest of us in the RV. Daryl, you have your bike," Rick explained.

"Is she awake yet?" Daryl asked, knowing that the vehicle change meant Shane would travel with her.

"Yeah," Rick told him. Daryl wasted no more time talking and walked into the RV, pulling out the last water from his bag.

"Hey," she smiled, sitting up.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her, handing her the water, only for her to push it away.

"Damn it, woman, take the drink", Daryl snapped, not to be mean, but for her to know he wasn't taking it back, she rolled her eyes before taking it from him.

He took a seat on the side of the bed.

"You want something?" She snapped back, smiling as she couldn't contain her hard act with Daryl.

"You coming on the bike with me?" Daryl said as she smiled back.

"My dad ain't going to let that happen", she said, finishing the water.

"I will talk to him" Daryl nodded at her leaving the RV.

"Rick", Daryl said as he shoved his head to the side, indicating he wanted to talk to him privately. 

He put down the radio, which he always kept on him. The others were sorting out the fuel, meaning everyone else was busy. 

"I want Theo to ride the bike with me; she gets fresh air and has had the rest of my water. I think it's best for her", Daryl tried to come up with, but he couldn't exactly say the real reason for it; Daryl didn't want her to be in that RV with Shane.

"I don't think it's a good idea, Daryl. What if she begins to feel dizzy and ends up falling off?" Rick asked, concerned about his daughter.

"She said she would tell me beforehand", Daryl made up. "Also, she isn't stupid, she knows her limits, plus she told me she used to ride bikes all the time" Daryl defended. 

Rick looked around for a moment before looking back at him.

"What's the deal?" He asked as Daryl looked at Rick in confusion.

"Huh?" Daryl looked at him, having no idea what he was talking about.

"You two dating? Is there anything I need to know?" He asked sternly.

Daryl stepped back in shock before laughing.

"Not at all, friends, that's it" He put him straight, although it was definitely more than friends. 

Rick nodded slowly at him.

"Alright, but the second she feels dizzy," Rick said sternly, pointing at Daryl. 

"We stop" Daryl began, cutting him off. 

Rick nodded before walking back to the others. 

Daryl looked around before he saw Glenn.

He walked over to him, grabbing him off to the side.

"I'm bringing Theo with me; just keep an eye on Shane," Daryl said sternly.

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