-set fire to the air-

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"Son of a bitch," Daryl yelled, storming over to Theo and aiming his comment at Jenner.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Daryl yelled again before going for Jenner with his fists high. 

Theo ran after him, trying to stop him, but she wasn't strong enough, so the others stepped in, just about managing themselves.

He shook everyone off before walking back next to Theo, who looked at him, scared—not of him but of what could happen next.

"Jenner, open that door now!" Rick yelled, storming over towards Dr Jenner. 

"I can't; the computer controls it. You heard me when you walked in. When it closes, it wasn't going to open again," Jenner explained, making the group look around angry.

Very angry.

"You asshole, let us out, you might want this, but we don't!" Theo screamed. She was angry; she was so furious that she saw red. 

"I CAN'T!" He yelled back at the girl, soon regretting it as Theo stood up, punching him in the face and knocking him to the floor.

Daryl walked forward but was pushed by Shane and Rick.

"Open the goddam doors before I leave you unable to fucking walk", Theo threatened, causing surprised looks from everyone; they knew she had a temper, but they didn't realise that she was able to knock a fully grown man on his ass.

"Enough!" Rick yelled as Shane pulled her away; however, as soon as she realised it was him, she threw herself away from him and back towards Daryl. 

She looked back at Jenner, who was wiping the blood from his nose.

"It's better this way," he calmly stated. 

"What happens in 25 minutes?" 

Jenner said nothing; he looked at the ground. 

"What happens in 25 minutes!" Rick asked again, yelling at the top of his lungs, causing Jenner to get onto his feet.

"Do you know what this place is? We protect the people from very nasty stuff!" Jenner yelled, looking around the room. 

He began screaming diseases at the group and making a few back up in fear.

They all stared at him.

"In the case of a power out, a terrorist attack, for example, HITs are sent out to destroy any last living organisms", Jenner explained.

"HITs?" Rick panicked. He knew exactly what that meant, while others looked confused.

"An explosive, stage 2", Jenner explained.

"You're telling me an explosive is going to hit in 25 minutes?!" Theo panicked, pushing her hair back out of her face. She was flabbergasted. 

"It sets the air on fire", Jenner explained. "No pain, no regret, nothing. It's all gone", he stated calmly.

Theo looked at her father, who was so angry his jaw was clenched, and his fists were balled. 

Carol and Sophia were crying, and everyone else didn't know what to do.

"We ain't dying in here, " Daryl started, throwing his bottle at the door. "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" He screamed. 

"Out of the way!" Shane yelled as he axed the door.

Daryl soon joined him.

Theo walked over to Carl, who was hugging Lori tightly. 

"Hey, look at me." She told him. "I don't want you to cry because we are getting out of here," She told him.

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