-selective hearing-

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The rest of the day went back fast, and soon enough, it was time to let Randall go; the sun was on its way down, and they couldn't wait any longer.

T-Dog went over to get him while she waited by the car for the others.

"Rick!" T-Dog yelled from a distance

"What?" he asked, wondering what all the yelling was about

"He's gone!" he panicked, making everyone run to the barn.

"Randall's missing?" people spoke, looking at one another in horror. 

"RICK!" That was Shane yelling from next to the woods; his face was bloody and bashed in.

"What happened?" Rick asked as they ran over to him

"I saw him, so I chased after him, but he jumped on me and took my gun!" Shane explained

"Okay, Lori, get everyone inside and lock the doors. Daryl, Glenn, you with us?" Rick asked as they all walked off

"Let me come!" Theo chased after them

"No. Stay at the house," Rick ordered, not looking back

"Why?" She asked

"It is too dangerous," he said without looking at her. Theo watched as they all walked off into the woods.

She waited for a second before sighing and following them in.

It began getting late, darkness overtaking now.

Theo had followed Daryl and Glenn for a while, keeping back and ensuring they didn't see her.

She didn't know what she was doing, but she wasn't going to let her dad, best friend, and... whatever Daryl was getting hurt. Something felt wrong, like Shane was up to something, but Theo couldn't figure it out.

She oversaw them as they began slowing down. Theo crouched behind a tree before rustling came from in front of her.

She jumped back, worried before she heard yelling. It sounded like Daryl.

She looked to see a walker had attacked them.

Without thinking, she ran over to them, Glenn getting it off of Daryl before Theo finished it off by stabbing it in the head.

"What the hell are you doing out here!" Daryl yelled at her

"Oh, you're fucking welcome!" Theo responded, out of breath.

"Your dad told you to go back to the house!" Daryl began to argue, getting closer to her. 

"And I wanted to help!" She shouted back, matching his tone. 

"But what if you got in trouble out here and we didn't know!" Glenn sided with Daryl.

She was about to argue again when she noticed something strange

"Guys, isn't that Randall?" She asked, looking down at the walker she had just killed

They both turned and looked closer, and sure enough, it was.

Daryl got closer, checking for bites.

"Guys. He hasn't got any bites?" Daryl began, extremely confused.

"Are you sure?" Theo wondered, going down to check as well.

"Yeah. His neck has been broken," Daryl pointed out

"That means he was killed", Glenn stated the obvious. 

"Shane must have killed him. It would be best if you guys returned to the house" Theo began running in a different direction.

"Theo!" She heard Daryl yell after her, trying to stop her 

She turned as he caught up with her

"I need you to come back with me. They said they would be back there, so that's where we are going," he told her in all seriousness.

She hesitated momentarily, looking in the other direction before looking back at Daryl. 

Theo nodded, slowly agreeing. She still didn't like it but wasn't about to argue with Daryl.

They quickly headed back to the house.

When they got inside, everyone was sitting around waiting.

"They aren't back?" Theo asked, looking around, not seeing her father's face.

Everyone shook their heads.

Theo looked at Daryl, worried.

"I'll go back out there, okay..." he held her shoulders

"Thank you", she nodded before her mum ran downstairs, panicked.


"Carl is gone."

"What?" Theo panicked.

"I told him to stay upstairs" " she began as they followed Daryl outside.

"Why can't he listen for once?" Lori sighed.

"You and Carol double-check the house; Daryl and I will go out and look for Dad and Shane," Theo began, and Daryl nodded before they all looked forward.

Noticing the trees were moving.

But once you looked closer, they weren't trees; they were walkers, hundreds.

"Daryl", She called out to him, reaching for his arm. 

"We need to go", Daryl stated, returning to the house and bringing her.

"Leave, if you must, but I will die on this farm", Herschel said as Andrea ran out with the bag of guns, dropping it on the floor, everyone grabbing a weapon.

Theo looked at Daryl.

"You aren't going alone," She told him sternly.

"Fine, but we need to get to them before they get to us", Daryl planned.

"We take the cars down, shoot close", Theo began, looking at everyone.

"Come on", T-Dog stated.

Theo grabbed a gun from the bag, having a shotgun and her pistol.

She then followed Daryl and jumped on the back of his bike. They rode down to the far fence before the barn rose in flames.

"That must be Dad, " Theo yelled over the bike's loud engine.

She quickly got off the bike and shot at anything that was moving.

They were taking down a fair few. But more is needed to leave a dent.

Theo aimed to allow her to get headshot after headshot.

"How are you for ammo?!" Daryl yelled at her.

She went to shoot her shotgun again, but nothing shot.

"Shit!" Theo yelled as the walker got closer.

Theo used the gun itself to hit the walker; once down, she repeatedly hit it in the head.

"Just my pistol!" Theo yelled back, finally giving Daryl an answer

"Come on!" he said, starting up the engine again

Theo ran to the bike.

"Take me to the cars," She told him

He did not question her; he took Theo straight to the cars they had.

"Where are you going?" he asked her

"I'm going to circle the barn quick," She told him

"Be careful" He looked at her, scared.

"You too" She nodded

Theo ran inside the house, grabbing the keys to one of the trucks.

She ran out and got in it before quickly driving to the barn, trying to avoid all the walkers.

She circled the barn at least twice before realising everyone was leaving the farm.

She did the same and began driving, but she couldn't find anyone on her way.

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