-power out-

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Theo woke up the following day, noticing Daryl was still asleep on the floor beside her.

She noticed how peaceful he looked when he wasn't stressed out, simply asleep. The crease in his brow had relaxed. 

He slept on his back, one arm above his head, the other resting on his chest. 

She decided not to wake up Daryl, but he woke up anyway as soon as she moved anyway.

"Hey," She awkwardly smiled as he sat up.

"Hey, you sleep okay?" He asked, stretching, looking at her like she was glass and about to break at any moment.

"Mhm," Theo nodded as Daryl stood, Theo following.

"Last night..." Theo began, remembering everything. 

The kiss. 

The discussion. 

The truth. 

"Stays between us", Daryl reassured her as she smiled at him.

"Come on, let's get some food," Daryl smiled as they headed out, only to be awkwardly met by everyone else, who looked at them confused as they left a room together. 

They looked pretty rough from the drinking, but they looked like something else to the others.

Theo awkwardly closed the door behind her as Daryl ignored everyone's looks. 

"Something I need to know?" Rick asked his daughter angrily. 

"No, it's not what it looks like," Theo explained before walking away. 

Daryl headed to the showers quickly. 

Everyone sat in the same place as the previous night for breakfast. 

She walked over to Glenn to see him hanging onto a thread. Glenn wasn't one to drink; he was suffering from an awful hangover.

"Morning", Theo smiled as she hugged him from behind, swaying him from side to side. 

"Ughhhhh shhhhhhhhh!" He told her off, shoo-ing her off.

It caused everyone in the room to laugh as she grabbed a coffee—the first coffee she had had in months—some bacon and toast and sat next to Carl, who was enjoying a large bowl of cereal.

"Glenn, you drank too much last night?" Theo asked, but once again, all she got was the reply of a moan.

She smirked at the boy before digging into her breakfast.

"Where are Daryl and Shane?" Lori asked, looking around the room. 

Theo looked around, worried. 

Everyone shook their head, not knowing where they were

"You and Daryl seem to be getting close..." Dale smirked at Theo

"No, no, we are friends, that's all" " she corrected, avoiding eye contact

That's when Shane walked into the room. 

She sighed, knowing that at least he hadn't been killed by Daryl.

She continued to eat her food as everyone else made small talk.

Daryl walked in a few moments later, staring down Shane before grabbing some food.

Daryl sat on the other side of Theo, making sure Shane didn't have the chance to take the seat next to her; he gave her a small smile before she returned one.

"How are you feeling this morning?" he asked, leaning down towards her, whispering.

"Okay," she said with a small smile before grabbing a piece of toast off his plate and trading it for her bacon.

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