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A few people packed up to help, including Theo; she felt she owed it to Daryl.

She grabbed a bag after getting changed into a pair of cargo trousers, which were baggy enough to have room to move and fight. She placed her holder on her hip, her pistol tucked in, and a knife in her leg holster. She put a black tank top on her upper body; it was the summer, and it was hot. 

She tied her hair in a high ponytail, put on her boots, grabbed a flannel, tied it around her waist in case it got colder, and headed over to her father, who was waiting by the van. 

"You need extra help?" she asked, not asking.

"You aren't coming with me," he said, standing beside Daryl, who glanced at her. 

"Tough", Theo answered as she shrugged her shoulders.

"No," he repeated, stopping her and making Theo frustrated. She sighed, annoyed, before looking at the man she considered to be her best friend. 

"Glenn" She looked at him and whined, needing backup.

"Oh, come on", he shook his head.

"Please," she begged him, fluttering her big hazel eyes.

"Fine," he rolled his eyes. We need her. You can all shoot, but she has a good shot, up close and far away, more backup," Glenn defended honestly. She had a natural talent for it.

"Fine, she is your responsibility," Rick told the small Korean boy.

"Thank you", she winked at her best friend, making him playfully roll his eyes.

"So, now you are risking three men, or two and a girl", Shane bought up, looking directly at Theo.

"Bigger dick than you anyway" She snapped, making everyone laugh, including a smile from Daryl. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he liked the girl; she was brilliant in his eyes, snappy, sassy and sexy. Though he knew he wouldn't ever get close to the girl, he did enjoy watching her break some of these assholes egos. 

We could make a good team. Daryl thought to himself before continuing to load the truck.

"Hey, less of that", Rick told his daughter.

Shane looked the girl up and down in annoyance.

Bitch Shane was mentally insulted.

Their past was messy, one of which Theo wanted to keep to herself. 

"I am coming too," T-Dog said, walking over to them. T-Dog felt responsible; even though Merle was the biggest asshole he had met, Daryl didn't deserve to lose his brother.

"You are putting us in danger, everyone here", Shane argued, standing flustered. 

"What we need is guns; I have plenty. I dropped them when I got swarmed, but I know where they are," Rick told everyone.

"Guns, you just got back here; you aren't leaving, neither of you, especially not for guns and Merle Dixon", Lori spoke up, wishing she had never mentioned the idea in the first place.

"I don't see you wanting to do anything to help," Theo told her mum, letting an evil look leave her eyes.

"I don't want you to go either," Carl said to his father and sister.

Rick started ranting at Lori about why they needed to go away from everyone else. 

While that was happening, Theo caught herself looking at Daryl, who was already looking at her.

She gave him a confused look before getting in the truck and finally driving off into the city.

Theo sat in the back with Daryl and T-Dog while Glenn and Rick were up front, them knowing where to go.

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