-it's exhausting-

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"Shit!" Theo yelled; she wasn't watching where she was going when she stormed off, leading to her being clueless about the camp's direction.

She collapsed on the floor, exhausted, but wondering how long until someone came looking for her.

Soon, the light began disappearing, and the silhouettes of the trees surrounded her.

She knew she couldn't just sit there, so she began to look around to see if she recognised anything, anything at all.

Suddenly, a tree branch snapped behind her, making her turn fast and almost make herself fall over.

She grabbed her gun, realising it was a walker.

Deciding not to alarm others, she grabbed her knife walking over to gain speed; she stuck the knife deep into its head, killing it straight away. However, she turned to see another repeating the steps. 

Theo pulled back, covering herself in the walker's blood and brains.

She breathed out and placed the back of her hand, which held her knife to her head. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't; she had no energy.

"You seriously are a tough son of a bitch"

She turned in surprise, his voice making her jump slightly before she sighed, relieved it was Daryl. 

"Why are you out here?" He asked, slowly making his way over to her. 

She sat down, collapsing to the ground again.

"I just don't have the energy to fight with my mother. There are bigger problems right now other than smoking and a crop top" Theo rolled her eyes. 

"I heard her yell at you for smoking; what about drinking?" he smiled while raising an eyebrow at her. "Keep a stash of it behind the trees in this direction."

"You know...You're a bad influence" She laughed, causing him to roll his eyes as he pulled a bottle of JD from behind him.

It was half full, but it was enough.

He sat beside her, handing Theo the bottle first.

"How old are you, Dixon?" She asked, breaking the awkward silence between the pair. 

"29," he said as he took the bottle from Theo.

She said nothing, not knowing why she even asked that question.

"You are 20, right?" he asked

Theo nodded while swallowing the thick alcohol.

It went silent for a moment again.

"You got anyone other than Merle?" Theo asked, quietly hoping he didn't have a girlfriend or wife.

"No. Have you just got your family back there?" He wondered the same thing, also hoping there was no boyfriend

"Yeah, never really been one for boyfriends" She smiled, knowing exactly why he was asking that question.

"Neither. Girlfriends," He awkwardly explained, causing Theo to smile slightly.

"You know, before this, I didn't have a job. Instead, I wasted my time, travelling on my bike, drinking, smoking, and doing what I wanted with people I didn't even know, to be told was wasting my life, only to find out my life was fully fulfilled," Theo laughed.

"You like bikes?" he asked, interested in what she knew.

"Yep, I had a beautiful 1985 black Harley Davidson Sportster 883", She explained. 

That bike was her first big purchase, her favourite thing, learning the mechanics and travelling.

"Come with me," he said, grabbing her hand without realising.

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