-part two-

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-One Week Later- 

It was a week of Daryl and Theo having to avoid the sexual tension that filled the truck every day. 

A week of having to hide their feelings for one another. 

Since their moment at the CDC, it's been all either of them has thought about, but both were too scared to bring it up or make another move.

The group had stopped for the night, hidden and clear of walkers for the time being.

There was a fire in the middle, which they all surrounded to keep warm.

The bright orange flames reflected off everyone's skin.

Daryl tried to look away but couldn't stop looking at Theo, especially her blonde hair, which looked somehow brighter due to the flames, or her green eyes, which perfectly reflected the forest around them.

She might have fallen first, but he was falling a lot harder than he would ever care to admit. 

Daryl and Theo sat next to each other, a blanket over their laps.

Theo and her mother hadn't argued all week, and everyone else was becoming more relaxed because they were all still alive.

Their bond grew; they escaped death together and felt like a family.

They were running out of fuel. 

Five cars were down to four, one of which was the RV.

They were all handed a small bowl of hot rice and a little water. Their supplies were running low, which was already becoming a desperate issue.

"Here," Daryl said, handing Theo his bowl of rice.

"No, if you're not going to eat it, give it to Carl or Sophia, not me", she breathed out, pointing her spoon at the others.

"You barely eat what's in your bowl. I'm taking watch. In 5, you're coming with me, having eaten all of that," Daryl said, leaving his bowl in her hands, placing the blanket over her shoulders, and walking away.

Glenn sat next to Theo with a smile. 

"What's the deal with you two?" He asked her, smirking.

Theo stared at the food in her lap, trying desperately to hide her smile.

"There is no deal, we are just friends" She smiled while eating some of the rice.

"I beg to differ", he whispered, shoving a mouthful of his food into his mouth. 

"Why's that?" Theo asked, looking over at him with an arched brow. 

"Did you see him giving up his food for anyone else?" Glenn asked her. 

She stopped to think. 

"Not to mention the CDC; unlike everyone else, I remember you two coming out of the same room that morning." He wiggled his eyebrows like a teenager.

"What are you trying to say here?" She wondered, putting her food down. 

"You two had sex, didn't you?" Glenn whispered. 

In a panic, Theo looked around; thankfully, everyone else conversed deeply. 

"No, we didn't", Theo blushed. 

"No, why are you blushing?" He teased. 

"Okay, we didn't have sex, but we did kiss, and to be honest, it might have led to more if Shane didn't interrupt us", Theo whispered. "Tell anyone, and I will end you" Theo held her fork up to Glenn, who smiled widely before dancing in his seat, making everyone look at him. 

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