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"Son of a bitch, these people are alive,", One of them said, laughing, looking around the room.

They looked around at those in the bar,  walking in and helping themselves to drinks. None of the group moved, but Theo was now far from her gun and next to one of the men.

"Hey, sweetheart, pass me that bottle behind you", he asked, pointing at Theo.

She grabbed it without turning her back and slid it across the counter.

"I'm Dave, that is Tony, we met in Philly. What a shit show that was," Dave explained. He was skinny and tough-looking; Tony was on the larger side, dressed in white and black with a chain around his neck, a proper New Yorker. 

"It's Glenn. It's nice to see some new people." Glenn smiled at the new faces. Theo looked at them, unsure if they could be trusted.

"Rick Grimes" Rick introduced himself

"Are you having one?" Dave asked Herschel for a drink.

"I just quit," Herschel explained, confirming that the group had Herschel back to his normal state of mind but with a new perspective.

"You have funny timing, my friend" Dave smiled, toasting his glass.

"That's Herschel; he lost a lot of people today", Rick explained

"Sorry, man" Dave sincerely nodded

"What about you, darling? You have a name?" Tony asked, leaning on the bar, looking at her with a grimace, and smiled

"Theo Grimes", Theo explained, giving him a dirty look.

"Father and daughter, I assume, must be nice" Dave smiled between the two.

"Yeah, it is" Rick smiled at his daughter.

"So is that Theo, sort for Theodora?" Tony smirked, trying his hardest to flirt.

"What else would it be short for?" Theo asked, confused and embarrassed by the man's attempt to flirt.

He awkwardly walked away before Dave laughed.

"You got a man? Cuz if you don't just tell him you do, he will leave you be," Dave laughed.

"Yeah, engaged", Theo lied, looking at her hands.

"No ring, doll." Tony raised an eyebrow, holding his hand up and pointing at his ring finger, which was also empty.

"I buried it with his body", She snapped, making them go quiet.

Rick was impressed by how she made these men feel inadequate, which made them turn away from her.

"Sorry, Theo" Dave nodded.

She smiled quickly before watching Tony back away.

"Yeah, well, aren't we all?" She rolled her eyes

It went silent for a moment before Dave grabbed his gun. He was intentionally making the room tense; he knew exactly what he was doing. 

"Nice huh? Got it off a cop," he smiled, showing off his weapon.

"I'm a cop" Rick interjected quickly.

"Well, this one was already dead, " he answered quickly, smiling at him.

"You guys are a long way from Philly? What drove you don't hear?" Rick asked, staying on guard.

"Well, I can tell you it wasn't the weather; you must have dropped 30 pounds in sweat" Dave rubbed his head.

"I wish", Tony laughed. "First, there was DC", Tony began. "Rumours of a camp, we got stuck in jams, never made it close, had to go off the highway, just had to keep moving, then rumours of ferries leaving the countries, then trains moving us into the centre of the state" Dave continued "Every group we met had a new way out."

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