-𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4-

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This is a reminder, the characters that I have introduced from the last part are going to be used for this chapter and the rest of the chapters!

(Also I have fixed up the ending of it since I read it back and it made no sense to me, and I realize I created a shitty last sentence for this chapter)

Yumeko started running towards me and without realizing, she pulled me into a big hug that was worriedly tight as fuck. I was so confused 'why did Yumeko pull me into a big hug this tight? Did something happen? did I do something??' I had so many questions going through my head, to the point where I was unaware to notice that there was, a male figure standing still no expression on his face, which had creeped me out a bit.


"I did not do anything to her, all I did was grab her wrist that's it. Nothing that serious!" The female then informed Yumeko with a calm voice, which had made Yumeko ferrous, I could tell since she start to mutter and mumble.

"Yumeko I'm alright, she "totally" didn't grab my wrist tightly, plus it's not a big deal anyways. But....I have question" I told Yumeko who was still hugging me tightly

"Oh that's Ryota, he's our class president. Ryoto-san, can I ask you question so come here please" She had told me who the male was, now she wants to ask him something I wonder what it is. 

Then Ryoto ran over to Yumeko to see what she wants to ask him about. Yumeko started to whisper her question, Ryoto look confused and shook his head whispered his answer to her. Yumeko then look a little bit odd, her reaction didn't like any reaction you've seen from her. It looked as if she wanted to beat the shit of someone or at least that's what I think.

"Hmmm...Mary, Mary, Mary why are such a bitch towards Y/F/N and I." Yumeko still had that face expression which had made me confused. But I heard Yumeko say her name was Mary, the female looked surprised on how she knew her name.

"H-H-how do you know my name" Mary started to stutter

"Let's see...how would I? Did you forgot about something Mary?" Yumeko then point to Ryoto. Which had caught Ryoto by surprise since she randomly pointed her finger to him.

Yumeko then giggled away like a crazy person who had really bad mental problems. She then let me out of the hug and put her arms around my waist which cause me to flinch.

"Let's go Y/F/N, we don't need to see this bitch" Yumeko said while she still was giggling, which I just nodded as an answer to her.

We both walked away leaving Mary, shocked and pissed since we did say she was bitch but honestly she id deserve it after all. Ryoto was shocked as well but he just shook his head and ran after us.

Mary's POV

"Let's go Y/F/N, we don't need this bitch" Yumeko said to me, it made me ferrous and shocked at the same time.

They then walked away like I was nothing, I then notice that Ryoto looked at me then looked back at those two, he than ran after those two like as if he was their insane fanboy. I shook my head and began to walk a direction to relax and calm down instead of stressing a shit tone because of those bitches. I then saw one of my ex-friends....'Yuki Shoyo with her 'better' new friends, she sure does piss me off, so does the plastic ass new students if I see them again they're gonna get it especially that bitch Yumeko' I had thought to myself. I walked away to not see her face anymore, without realizing I bumped into someone.

"Are you FUCKING kidding?! Move out of the way!" I hissed at the person without even looking at them nor having any eye contact, I moved from the scene.

I then heard them giggle, which had gave me a creepy doll vibe which I hated the most. I turned around to notice.....Y/F/N.


I giggled at her response, she is still pissed at before without realizing she turned around to face me. I stopped giggling after she had turned around, and notice that she was about to slap me but she couldn't she was stopped by a female who seems familiar to me.

"Oi Mary, do you not realize what you were about to do?" the female said, she wasn't surprised by Mary's action but seems to be little bit worried.

Mary then pulled her arm away from grasp and rolled her eyes and walked away, she didn't even care. The female then turned to face, her face was oddly familiar as I said before so does her voice....

"Sorry about that, that normally happens she just pissed at something. What's your name?" She said calmly to me so I would feel comfortable to speak and not be scared

"I am Y/F/N Y/L/N, and you are?" I told the female who seem like she just saw something amazing. She soon squealed and started celebrating which had made me confused and had worried me.

"I'm Yuki Shoyo, your cousin!" Yuki said with a huge smile on her, I was shocked.

"No wonder why you seemed to familiar!!" I started raising my voice, with a bright smile on my face.

We then started to hug each other tightly, I was smiling a lot meanwhile Yuki was about to cry. But she didn't, she was just crying out joy since she see me after not being see for a couple of years.

"Yuki, chill she's just your cousin" A young male figure appeared out of no where. Yuki pouted at the male then let go of me.

"Hi there you must Y/F/N Y/L/N, Yuki here as been talking a lot about you to the point where she cry...but anyways I am George Stamps, but you can just call me George." He introduced himself and offered a hand for you to shake,

"Oh....that explains a lot, why she was about to cry and thanks for letting me know George!" I replied to his introduction to himself, I laughed at the fact that Yuki would cry just by on talking about me. George gave me a smile that would make anyone cheerful in a second.

"HEY! WHY'D YOU TELL HER THAT YOU MEANY!!" Yuki yelled at George who had exposed her which was funny. I continued to laugh and George started laughing too, leaving Yuki pouting and screaming her lungs out just George to take it back and say he's joking.

"George did you do something?" Another male figure appeared.

"Maybe....?" George said as he continued to laugh at this scene,

"Smart George, what even happened?" He replied back George and asked a question to what has happened here.

"Oh! This is my cousin Y/F/N Y/L/N!" Yuki said joyfully while running towards me to give me another big hug. I tried to dodge it but it didn't work.

"Hi there Y/F/N, I am Raya Vronhilt!" He said happily while staring at me with a small smile appearing on his face

"Hi there Raya! Nice to meet you!" I said happily while still being hugged to death because of Yuki.

Soon Yuki had let go of me and started to walk with George and Raya, Yuki signaled me to come as well which I did, I had followed them to where they were going. They started to talk about their friendship and how they met, which had caused me to laugh a lot. Without realizing it was about to be time to go home, after 2 minutes we all stopped walking to go towards the front of the building to leave the school grounds or so I thought.


𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡Where stories live. Discover now