-𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7-

889 29 3

By the way guyss I am adding(  Y/N/N - Your Nickname )If you want to make up a nickname name for yourself you can do that, if you want to use a nickname that you've been called a lot you can use, and if you have multiple you can just choose one of those or make up your own :>

I woke up to something bright light shining down at me like the sun, which had made squint my eyes making me feel light-headed which was great. I groan in pain as I rose myself up on top of what had seemed like a bed but it did not seem like a bed for a bedroom, maybe for hospital at least. I looked around my surroundings to notice Yumeko, My Mum, George, Yuki and Raya who seemed fast asleep on the chairs that didn't seem comfy at all. I felt guilty,  I then felt a sharp pain that was towards my left arm which wasn't great. It had also felt like there was a knife that was against my left arm, I starting groaning and wincing in pain. I then heard someone yawn which had caused me to put my head with a startled expression on my face. I look at where I heard the yawn and it was Yumeko.

"YOU'RE AWAKEEE!!!" Yumeko shouted loudly causing the others to flinch and fall backwards on their chairs. As Yumeko started running towards me she was stopped by someone, it was George.

"Yumeko give her a break at least. Also you woke us UP from you SQUEALING!!" George scolded Yumeko while pointing at Yuki, Raya and My Mum who had black circles underneath their eyes. They all looked at Yumeko with an 'you're dead after we get outside' expression on their face which made Yumeko a bit startled by their expression and turned away from their gaze to me.

"Are you okay Y/N/N" Yumeko stared at me with a sense of tears about to burst out of her eyes as she walk towards me and gave me a hug. I just nodded softly as I hugged her back, while patting her head to calm her down.

"At least you're okay. Yumeko started to freak out and stressing about you, she also talked about when you came inside the car from panting and breathing heavily, another thing she told is that you had a mark on your arm" Yuki had replied while breathing in and out, also pointing out a mark on my left arm which caused me to stare that the direction her flinger was pointing towards. My first thought was about how it almost seemed like a burse but it wasn't.

"Y/F/N did something happen before you went into your car, or did you have horrible flashbacks about something?" Raya asked in a curious tone while having one of his eyes brows raised up. I looked down to where I was and started thinking.

Until it hit me. I remembered that Mary had dragged me away from the school for a confusing reason why she did that questionable thing to me. I snapped back into reality and nodded my head quickly which cause Raya to quickly sit beside me and gave me a 'tell what it is' look on his face,

"I remember after I finished having a talk with the President Student Council, I walked towards the front gate but I got dragged harshly by someone and it was Mary. She started saying weird things which had me a bit scared, then she started to talk about Yumeko and I which made me confused-" I continued on telling them what I remember what had happened before I went inside my Mum's car.

After I finished explaining they all looked shock and confused as well expect for Yuki. I didn't care much since I had the reaction when Mary did say and do those stuff to me.

"Honestly I knew she would have done this to her, the reason being since apparently she was a 'queen' at the school she was abled to get away with anything including stuff like that. She would normally do it to new students like Y/F/N" Yuki told us something barely any of us knew expect for her. We all look shocked meanwhile Yuki was just nodding with a blank expression.

"Did she do it to you Yuki-chan?" Raya asked in a confused tone. In response Yuki slowly nodded while trying to her face from everyone, she had seemed traumatized about her past experience with Mary since it only happened when she first came to the school.

Raya ran up to her and hugged her tightly letting her cry it all out. Meanwhile the rest seem worried and concerned for Yuki and I, but it's now the past we can't do anything and it's too late anyways since we can't do shit. 


  Yuki had stopped crying and got out of Raya's grasped and took and step back and took a breathe and walk towards me. She had a straight face as she stood in front of me

"Y/F/N, you're going to have to stay with Yumeko, George, Raya And I. The reason is Mary. I don't want Mary to get anywhere near you ever again nor do anything to you so you're staying with us so you don't have to deal that problem anymore. Also keep this in mind, we are all here to protect you from being touched by Mary again." Yuki informed with a stern look on face but a small smirk starting appearing on face. I looked at Yuki then to everyone else who they all had seemed to nod to Yuki's response, I gave them a small smile.

'How am I supposed to tell them about what the President had said to me. I don't want them to stress but I am going to have to at some point! I might as well do it tomorrow, I guess....' I thought to myself still trying to figure out how to tell them the information. Then the door of the room I was in creaked while it was opening to see it was a doctor with a file in his hand.

"Ah, you're awake. How are you feeling Miss. Y/L/N?" They asked me as they grabbed a chair and placed it next to the bed I sat up on.

"I'm doing alright Doctor." I replied while giving him a smile that went across my face, he looked at me and nodded.

"Alright that's good, I will check your temperature and your left arm since you may feel pain on it because of that mark." He said as he stood up from the chair and went to a cabinet close by that had seemed to have thermometer and some medicine and bandages inside. He grabbed those and walked towards me and did some tests on me just to make sure.

"Okay all the tests are done, your temperature is fine and left arm is bandaged up to hide the mark since I do not want to you to do anything else to mark like put make up to cover it, which I would not suggest to do anyways if you have scars or cuts or anything else. So now you are abled to leave, you can come back to me if something else happened to you." He suggested things I shouldn't do and tell me information that he has gotten from the testing's he did on me, he also told me I was abled to leave now.

"Okay thank you Doctor." My Mum said. As she then looked towards me with a huge smile on her face, so did everyone else.

My mum walked towards me and hugged me tightly as she has never been this relieved before, I started to giggle it off since my mother is acting like a child right now.

"Let's go home now!" I said cheerfully as I was about to grab my bag until someone else did I notice it George.

"I'll hold your bag don't worry, I don't you to pressure your arm" he reinsured me, I looked at him with a smile on my face.

As we got out of the room, I bumped into someone causing me to fall down on my ass-

"Ow! Could you watch where you're GOING!" They yelled to towards me, I looked up and I was about to apologize to them but to see it was surprisingly- 


Oki guys, my updates will be slow now due to school. So don't mind me if I don't update that fast.

Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 313 READS & 26 VOTES!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I appreciate the support I am getting from you guys, honestly imma need to celebrate this one damn. I might has well have small party but without people since where I am corona is still around sadness, but it's fine! Also I might do a Q & A since I want you guys to get to know me a lot more :> 

Another thing is that I start going back to school on Monday the coming Monday which is only by the time I wrote it would be in 5 days which I hate ;-; But you know imma need to deal with it. By the way not to confuse people, I am currently doing online school right now so yeah.

Thank you for reading this since I know this would kind of effect the fan fiction, but it's fine.

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