Chapter Four ~ A Troll Visit

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As they were travelling through the forest, that was a lot darker than Arendelle because of the trees, Olaf realised that Kristoff still hadn't really told him what he was going to ask the trolls. Of course, the snowman had to know. "What are you going to ask the trolls exactly?" He asked the iceman, who was trying to focus on the road.

"As I said, something about a curse." Kristoff replied.

"Yeah, but what curse? More details please." Olaf said.

"Why do you want to know so bad?" Kristoff asked. Olaf sighed.

"I just want to know what we're going to do." He replied.

"Well, okay then." Kristoff said. He knew he had no other choice than to tell the snowman the truth. "Do you remember at breakfast when Anna was acting pretty strange?" Olaf nodded. "She didn't only act strange at breakfast, but also when Elsa and I were talking to her. We think she's cursed." Kristoff explained. "Anna kind of, said that she wants to divorce but then with different words. . ." He finished, as he tried to focus on the road again. Olaf put his hand on Kristoff's shoulder.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It makes sense why she didn't want to hear my story now. I forgive her." Olaf said. Kristoff laughed his sigh away. The rest of the trip Olaf was pretty quiet, to Kristoff's surprise, until he started to count the trees. Kristoff sighed really loud, hoping Olaf would get the message. But of course he didn't. "Forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-fo. . ."

"Could you please do that in your head, Olaf?" Kristoff asked as he was getting crazy by the snowman's counting. Olaf sighed.

"Meh, I'm done. It wasn't fun anyway." He said. "Are we almost there?"

"If I say no, are you going to keep asking that question?" Kristoff replied.

"No. Oh! Remember when we went to the trolls the first time and Anna and I both thought you were a psycho because you said that rocks were your family?" Olaf suddenly said. Kristoff laughed.

"Yes, of course I remember that." He said between his laughs.

"And then the trolls sang this whole love song for you and Anna. Hah, that was hilarious." Olaf said and laughed. Kristoff became sad thinking about his wife. 

Why does she have to be cursed. . .  

Olaf looked at Kristoff, because he wasn't laughing anymore. "Wasn't it funny?" He asked. Kristoff smiled.

"Yeah, it was. I just eh, I was just thinking about Anna. . ." Kristoff replied. Olaf sighed.

"You really love her, don't you?" He asked. Kristoff nodded as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Of course I do. More than anything." He replied. Olaf sighed again.

"How does it feel?" He asked.

"How does what feel?" Kristoff asked, confused by the snowman's question.

"Being in love like that. I want to know how it feels." He said. Kristoff was surprised Olaf even thought about that. "Can you describe it for me?" He finished his question, as he looked at the bottom of the sled. 

Is he really asking me this? I kind of feel bad for him. I think he thinks he'll never fall in love, I can see that thought coming from a mile away. . . 

"It feels like," he started, "Well, you eh, you want to be with that person all the time and you'd be willing to do anything for them, and eh, you want to make them feel as happy as possible." He said, "You think about them a lot and you smile or blush whenever you see them. And. . . You get this nervous feeling when you're alone with that person, but that feeling turns into a good nervous quickly when you start a conversation or something else." Kristoff finished. Olaf smiled. "Why are you asking me this?" Kristoff asked. He saw that Olaf was looking at him in the corner of his eye.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 // A Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now