Chapter Fourteen ~ Worried again

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Kristoff knocked on Anna's door.

"Anna! Are you in there?" He asked, and he thought he heard someone sob. He pulled the handle of the door down and the door opened. Anna was sitting on the edge of her bed. She was crying. She turned around when she heard the door opening.

"Kristoff!" She said, ran towards him and hugged him. Kristoff was confused.

"A-Are you okay?" He asked her.

"No. I'm scared." She answered sobbing. She didn't let go of him. Kristoff didn't understand why she was hugging him, but he wanted to know what those guys did to her. And besides, he was glad she was hugging him, he really missed that, so he kept hugging her back.

"For what?" Kristoff asked. Anna let go of him. He could see in her eyes that cursed Anna was back, once again.

"It's normal to be scared! As if you're never scared." She said, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. Kristoff sighed. He looked around in Anna's room, to find some clues about the two guys. 

What did they do to her? He asked himself for the millionth time, but there was nothing in Anna's room that gave him an idea.

"Did those guys hurt you?" He asked carefully. He couldn't figure it out himself. Anna's eyes teared up, and Kristoff just knew they had done something to her. He needed to know what.

"It's none of your business." She replied. Kristoff sighed again.

"Look, Anna, if they hurt you, I'd like to know what they did to you. . . I only want to make sure you're okay. I don't want them to have done anything you didn't want to do." He said, still fishing for the answer he knew he wasn't going to get. Anna frowned.

"I'm not going to tell you! Now get out!" She said, pushing him to the door.

"Anna please! I just want to know what. . ."

"Bye!" Anna said, throwing the door right into her husband's face. Kristoff knocked on the door again.

"Anna, please open the door! I need to know!" he said.

"Go away!" Anna screamed, and Kristoff could hear her crying getting louder. He put his hand and forehead against the door and sighed. Why couldn't she just tell him what happened? Because if one of those guys have. . . No. Kristoff couldn't think of that. He would never forgive himself for leaving her behind if that's what had happened while he was away. 

Maybe she's told Rapunzel what had happened? 

Kristoff walked through the hallways, up to the room Rapunzel and Eugene stayed in. He knocked on the door. Rapunzel opened it.

"Kristoff?" She said as she opened the door. "Is everything okay? I heard what happened in the stables." She finished. Kristoff nodded. 

"I'm fine." He said. "Have you spoken to Anna?" He asked. Rapunzel sighed.

"I tried to, but she threw the door in my face when I asked her if she was okay."

"She did the same thing to me. . ." Kristoff said.

"Oh. . ." Rapunzel replied, followed by an awkward silence.

"Is eh, is Elsa back yet? With. . . . Hans? That's his name, right?" Rapunzel asked.

"Yes, that's the fool's name. I actually have no idea if they're back now you bring it up. I'm going to check if they are. Eh, goodnight." Kristoff answered and smiled.

"Goodnight." Rapunzel said, and Kristoff could hear Eugene saying it with her from inside the room. He smiled again and walked away as Rapunzel closed the door. He walked back through the hallways and down the stairs, up to the stables, to see if Elsa was there.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 // A Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now