Chapter Ten ~ Let Them Go!

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Anna jumped from behind the dusty bookcase, grabbed the unlighted torch from the floor and pointed it at the man.

"Let him go!" She yelled at the unknown man. He looked at her and frowned, dropping Kristoff on the floor. He was all out of breath. He tried to stand up.

"We're so sorry to break into your house sir," Kristoff said and paused to breathe, "but we were trapped inside this mountain." He paused to breathe again, "The door to this room was our only way out." He finished, taking another deep breath to get his breathing back to normal. Sven slowly crawled towards them, coming from under the table. The man looked at the reindeer.

"Is he yours?" The man asked. Kristoff nodded. Anna was still standing there with the stick in her hand, not saying anything.

"So, how did you get trapped inside this mountain?" The man asked. Kristoff explained the stranger everything, leaving out the details how they even got into the forest at night. He hoped the man would feel sorry for them and let them out. They were the king and queen after all. Kristoff figured the man would've noticed that by now. He sighed.

"Okay, I believe you. The entrance has collapsed before. Are you two okay?" The man asked. Kristoff nodded again. Cursed Anna on the other hand, did not like what she just heard.

"Excuse me? Why wouldn't you believe the queen of Arendelle?! I could get you locked up for the rest of your life you know! You should be careful with what you say!" She yelled. The man frowned. Kristoff put his hand on his forehead.

"The queen of Arendelle, huh?" The man asked. Anna nodded and stood up straight.

"Yeah, that's right. You're talking to your majesty." She said. Kristoff felt so embarrassed, but proud at the same time. This man clearly had no idea who they were, and Anna was technically right, but this was not the right way to say that. Not a great 'first' impression at all.

"Well, I can tell the queen doesn't even have any manners herself, so no reason for me to show them." The man said as put a dusty book from that had fallen out of a bookcase back on a shelf again. Anna gasped.

"Did you hear me sir? I said I could get you locked up for the rest of your life!" Anna yelled again.

"I'm so sorry sir, I'm Kristoff by the way, that's indeed queen Anna. She has been cursed to see the bad in everything. She twists every word you say into something bad. She's normally not like this. The opposite actually.' Kristoff smiled and blushed a little, thinking of the real Anna, but then sighed, "Her sister and I are trying to figure out a way to lift the curse." He explained. The man widened his eyes.

"Are you talking about the Reflection Curse? The one with the magic dust and a broken mirror?" He asked. Kristoff surprisingly raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! That one! Do you know about that curse, sir?" He asked. The man nodded.

"Do you know how to lift it?" Kristoff asked hopeful, but the man shook his head, "No, I don't. I used to, but I forgot. My memory has been erased a few times, due to eh, 'promises' I have made and may have broken which got me in trouble, so I don't remember details to things. I do remember that I owned a book about it and I owned some of that dust to curse someone with, but I sold it a few days ago. I can't remember to who." The man explained. Kristoff gasped.

"That could've been the person that cursed Anna! You have to remember!" He said.

"Listen kid, all I can do for you is let you out this mountain, that's all. I have no memory of the person who bought the dust, and it won't come back. So, you can stand here and do nothing or go. I prefer option two." The man said. Kristoff frowned and crossed his arms.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 // A Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now