Chapter Thirteen ~ Caught

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Elsa and Kristoff witnessed the whole thing.

"That's it." Kristoff said, "Plan or not, I'm going. This guy's about to kill Varian, and we can't let that happen!" He stood up and grabbed his own sword out of his belt to fight this guy, if necessary.

"No don't!" Elsa said, but Kristoff was already gone. He walked through the bush they were hiding behind and walked over to the shadow figure.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He screamed at the man. As he came closer, he could see more and more of the man. Kristoff stood right in front of the guy. He had dark red hair and green eyes. And sideburns. . . Kristoff frowned.

"Hi, Kristoff." Hans said as he grinned at him. Kristoff groaned.

"You!" He screamed as he pushed him. Hans let his sword go from Varian, but now held it against Kristoff's shoulder. Kristoff gasped. "How dare you! Why are you doing this?! Let them go!" He cried and Hans laughed.

"Only if you and Elsa give me what I want. I mean, Anna isn't really talkative right now, is she?" Hans said with a deep voice, aware of what he had done. Kristoff groaned again.

"You cursed her, didn't you?!" Kristoff screamed. Hans grinned and laughed evil.

"Well, perhaps I did. Who cares, she was too cheerful anyways."

"She wasn't!" Kristoff screamed, thinking of how Anna was the best person he'd ever met. Kristoff grabbed his own sword and tried to fight Hans. Hans blocked his sword and they continued to fight. While fighting, they came closer and closer to the cliff. They came a little too close. Unfortunately, Kristoff was the closest to the cliff, making Hans grin.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye then." He said as he moved his sword to give Kristoff one more push. Suddenly, they all heard someone scream "Stop!", and next thing they knew, Hans' feet and arms were frozen.

"Finally! The ice queen has joined our meeting." He said, as he tried to move his body in the ice, but failed.

"That you even have the nerve to come back here, after all you've done." Elsa said angry. She pulled Kristoff's arm so he was on safe ground again, and not about to fall off the cliff. She commanded him to untie their friends.

"So, are you going to unfreeze me or what?" Hans asked, as Kristoff was making his way over to his friends.

"Excuse me, I make the decision when to unfreeze you and if I even unfreeze you, so you should only talk when I ask you to." Elsa replied angry. Hans laughed.

"I thought you weren't the queen anymore."

"No, but Kristoff, the guy you almost pushed off a cliff, is the king. Something you will never be. So, yet again, you've broken the law. And just to be clear, I have more rights than you here so you still have to listen to me."

"Fine, ice queen, what do you want to talk about?" Hans answered with a stupid smile on his face. Elsa looked him right in the eyes.

"Where do I find the ingredients to undo the curse on Anna?" She asked with a deep, serious voice. Hans laughed again.

"You really think I'm going to tell you that just like this? You're almost as naive as Anna." He said. Elsa groaned.

"Don't talk about Anna like that. And you better start answering my question, because I can do more than just things with ice." Elsa threatened. She knew she had the upper hand here, since Hans was captured in her ice. At least, she thought she had. . .

"You know what the funny thing is, you're here threatening me and wanting to know how to 'cure' Anna, while you left her and that reindeer friend of yours in the castle with my two brothers. And they're not nice." Hans said. Elsa gasped.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 // A Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now