Chapter Twenty-Six ~ The Dust

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⚠︎ 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⚠︎

A hard knock sounded on the door.

"Your majesty, two guards have returned from their search. They say they've found Elsa, and that they need you, now." Kai's voice followed. Kristoff immediately stood up from the chair, leaving Varian with widened eyes sitting on Olaf's bed, and opened the door.

"Where are they?" Kristoff asked Kai.

"At the gates, waiting for you." He replied. Kristoff gestured to Varian to follow him and ran out the door immediately. The boys ran as fast as they could down the stairs and through the hallways, until they reached the gates. The guards that were waiting, were bruised and out of breath. Blood was dripping off their fingers and faces. Kristoff and Varian's mouths dropped open, as they looked at the guards in worry.

"Your majesty, we've found princess Elsa." One of them claimed. The other softly nodded.

"W-Where is she?" Kristoff asked. He was terrified for the answer, as he looked at the state of the two guards.

"In a cabin in the woods. But she's not the only one who got caught."


We've been travelling for hours, when the heck are we going to get there? Eugene thought, as Rapunzel, the guard, and he still hadn't arrived at that house yet. He felt like they were lost, but the guard kept saying they weren't. Eugene was sure that they had walked past those trees for over five times. And here they were again, the same trees. Of course, all trees look the same, but Eugene was sure these were the exact same ones that they'd passed over five times before. Were they wasting all their time?

"Are we almost there?" Eugene asked Norm, the guard, again, after asking him that for about ten times these past hours.

"Yes. Just one more turn." Norm replied. Of course just one more turn. . . Eugene thought as he rolled his eyes.

"You've been saying that every time before we make a turn, and the house is never there. . . A-Are we lost?" Rapunzel asked nervously. The guard looked at her.

"No, we're not lost, your majesty. Just one more turn, I'm sure of it." He said. Eugene held Rapunzel to calm her down. They were on the same horse, and Norm was on a separate one, walking in front of them.

"It's going to be okay sunshine, trust me." He whispered in her ear and made her smile.

"You're right, we'll get there." She replied, believing Eugene. But honestly, he had no idea what he was talking about. He had a strange feeling about this trip, like something was about to go wrong. He thought it had already happened, since they all knew they were lost. Only the guard had his hopes up. They took one more turn, to the right this time, as they disappeared behind the mountain. It was a lot darker here, because the mountain held the last hours of sunlight back. 

No wonder Kristoff said this guy was grumpy. I would be grumpy too if it would be dark around my house most of the day. Eugene thought. 

As they looked in the distance, they could see a house. It wasn't big, but not small either. It was big enough for a grumpy old science man.

"Is that it?" Rapunzel asked as she pointed at the house. I do hope so. . . She thought. Norm nodded.

"Yes, that's it." He answered. "I knew I was going to find it." He whispered to himself. Eugene heard it and rolled his eyes. 

I knew he had no idea what he was doing.  

"Well, we wasted half a day on getting here, so we should hurry. So no looking around, sunshine." He said, looking at his wife with a savage face. He knew that Rapunzel loved looking around in other people's houses, or lives. But they had no time for looking around. Not this time.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 // A Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now