Chapter Six ~ A Kiss?

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She threw her book on the couch as she quickly stood up to check the stables if Kristoff was there. As she was running through the castle, she thought about her sister. She had no idea what she'd done the whole day. Elsa hoped Anna hadn't encountered a lot of people, because she wouldn't have made a good impression on them. Elsa finally arrived at the stables, all out of breath, because of the running. She opened the door, to find Olaf, Kristoff and Sven coming back from their trip to the Valley of the Living Rock. 

Please tell me they've found something. . . Elsa thought, as she used the last bit of energy in her body to run over to the boys. 

Kristoff's hair was all messed up from the wind, and Olaf yawned. Sven immediately laid down on the hay, because he was exhausted from the trip. Kristoff was busy putting the stuff they had taken with them back where it belonged and Sven had closed his eyes, so Olaf was the only one who had noticed the out of breath Elsa running towards them.

"Hi Elsa." He said. "Wow, you look like you ran a marathon today." The snowman finished. Elsa smiled sarcastically, as Kristoff noticed her too and laughed.

"Ha, very funny Olaf." Elsa said, breathing heavily. "So, Kristoff, do the trolls know anything? How to lift the curse perhaps?" Elsa asked. Kristoff walked over to the trunk that was in the left corner of the stables to put some stuff away. He shook his head as he opened the trunk.

"They know about the curse itself and what it does, but not how to lift it. Bulda suggested a 'true loves kiss' but Grand Pabbie wasn't sold by that. I also don't think I'm ever going to get the chance to kiss Anna without her killing me." Kristoff explained.

"And he's afraid that he's not Anna's true love." Olaf said.

"Olaf!" Kristoff replied annoyed as he looked angry at the snowman, as Elsa startled by Olaf's comment.

"You think you're not her true love?" She asked confused.

"No, I mean, I do, but just like, I don't know. I believe I am, but what if I'm not?" Kristoff blabbered. "Maybe she's mine but I'm not hers or something."

"True love is always mutual. Trust me, I've never seen Anna as happy as she is with you." Elsa said and smiled nicely at the insecure iceman.

"And you have the right to say that because you missed thirteen years of her life?" Kristoff whispered under his breath, but it was a little too loud. He had no idea why he just said that.

"Excuse me?" Elsa answered, crossing her arms.

"Sorry I didn't mean to. . ." Kristoff tried to apologize, knowing he only said that because he was being insecure about himself.

"Never mind." Elsa said, but she still looked a little mad. "What do the trolls know about the curse?" She asked, trying to ignore Kristoff's insult.

"How she's been cursed. Grand Pabbie said you'd need some magical dust that you have to blow onto a mirror which will break and take two mirror pieces to the person you want to curse." Kristoff explained, "So there's practically no way she could have cursed herself. Grand Pabbie said that's not possible, and even if it was, Anna doesn't own 'magical dusts' as far as I know." He finished, sighing. Elsa tapped the top of her finger on her chin as she started to walk in circles.

"So, someone in the castle must've done it."

"I guess. Or someone sneaked in. Someone that doesn't like Anna. Or us." Kristoff sighed, "But what do we do now? As I said that true loves kiss thing is hopeless, we don't even know if that will work." He said walking over to the same hay bed Olaf was sitting on, "All of this is hopeless!" He screamed, as he sat down on the hay bed and hid his face in his hands. Elsa sat down next to the boys too, and put her arm around Kristoff.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 // A Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now