Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Anna's POV

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I was standing in the Great Hall with my sister. Elsa and I had been talking there for hours after we had a lovely dinner with the whole family. We had been talking about all kinds of things, important, and not important. 

We decided to take a little walk through the castle until we would reach Elsa's room. We walked and talked, until we were standing in front of the wall. The wall where my two favorite paintings in the whole castle hung. The one of Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, and I, and the one from Elsa, my parents, and I, when we were younger. I miss them so much, I really wish they were here. 

I hope my parents would be proud of me. I hope they would be proud of the way I rule Arendelle and how I take care of the people. Ha, I wonder what they would've thought of Kristoff. I think that my mother would've actually liked him, she was always pretty acceptive. I think she would've asked him all about his past and the trolls out of curiosity. My father, on the other hand, I have actually no idea what he would've thought of him, to be honest. My father could be overprotective, so maybe he wouldn't have really liked Kristoff at first, purely because I love him and my father wouldn't want Kristoff to break my heart. But then, when they would've gotten to know each other, I think they would've gotten along. Maybe. . . . Haha, I wish they would've met. 

But then, my thoughts were broken off by Elsa.

"I really miss them." She said, still staring at the paintings. I looked at her.

"Me too." I replied, and Elsa smiled. She put her arm around me and hugged me. We both yawned during the hug and laughed.

"Guess it's time for bed huh." Elsa said to me. I smiled.

"Yes. I'm really tired. Do you want me to put you to bed sis?" I asked. Elsa laughed.

"No, you should get your own rest, your majesty. Do you want me to put you to bed?" I laughed too. I kind of wanted to check on Kristoff before I would go to my own room, so I told her she didn't have to. We hugged again and said goodnight to each other. 

I walked down the hall and down the stairs as I made my way to the stables. Kristoff had his 'weekly sleepover' with Sven tonight, so he wasn't sleeping with me tonight. I knocked on the door. I heard Kristoff laugh as he told me to come in. I opened the door and found him standing there, shirtless, in the middle of the stables. He had his sweater in his hands and his robe was still folded on a pile of hay. I guess he was about to change into his pajama. 

I looked at him and smiled. "So, do you have everything? Do I need to get an extra blanket for you?" I asked, as I walked over to him. Sven was sitting next to him, on the ground, waiting for him to be done.

"No honey, I have everything." Kristoff replied, as he folded his sweater up, well, the Kristoff-way, and put it next to his robe.

"Are you sure? It's going to be a cold night, I heard." I said, leaning on to the door of a stable. Kristoff smiled as he loosened his belt to take of his pants. He put his pajama pants and his robe on and sighed as he came closer to me. He held my hands and looked me right in my eyes.

"I'm fine, Anna. Don't worry. The cold doesn't bother me, and I have plenty of blankets here in case it does. So, you should get some sleep okay?" He said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and blushed.

"Okay, fine. . ." I said as I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

We stared at each other for a moment. Kristoff put my hair behind my ear and smiled. I had to kiss him, so I did. His lips were warm, and they still tasted like chocolate, from the chocolate cake we had as desert. Not that I'm complaining or anything. . . 

Our kiss lasted for about a minute, until Sven interrupted it. He made a funny sound, telling Kristoff that he wanted to sleep or something.

"Sorry buddy, we'll stop." He said, as he pulled away from me and laughed. I laughed too.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 // A Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now