Chapter Twelve ~ Worry

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"H?" Kristoff asked. Elsa gasped as she thought of a possible suspect.

"What if it's Hans? Maybe he's the one doing all of this?" Elsa said. Kristoff frowned.

"I thought he was in jail. Or at least not allowed to leave the Southern Isles? That's what Anna had told me." Kristoff said.

"What if he broke out?" Elsa replied. Kristoff frowned again.

"You have a point, but why would he take them? And not us?"

"Because we weren't in there, and he probably wants to negotiate or something. He's probably the one who cursed Anna too. What a scoundrel he is! How does even he dare!" Elsa said angry. Kristoff put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"It's going to be okay, trust me. We'll go to that place and teach him a lesson not to mess with us. I'll get back at him for what he did to you and Anna, and make sure he can never plan something like this again." Kristoff said. Elsa laughed at the thought of Kristoff and Hans fighting.

"I'd like to see you do that, but I think we should make sure everyone is save first." She suggested, and Kristoff knew she especially meant Anna, they didn't know if whoever did this had taken her too. They walked to the door to leave and tried to open it, but it was locked.

"What the. ." Kristoff said, pulling the door even harder.

"I'll try this door." Elsa said and ran over to the other side of the dining room, where there was another door, but it was locked too.

"We're trapped! Who did this?" Elsa screamed, as she kept pulling the door handle, hoping it would open anyway.

"Who do you think?!" Kristoff replied.

"But there's no way he could've gotten in here!" Elsa gasped. She realized why the paper was just 'laying around' the castle. Whoever was doing this may have hoped someone would find it, then get Elsa and Kristoff out of the dining room and lock Elsa and Kristoff up as they read that note. The note was probably meant as a distraction than an invite to the cliff. She explained this to Kristoff in a hurry and he agreed with her.

"Do you think they have taken Anna and Sven too?" Kristoff worried. Elsa sighed.

"I have no idea, but we're about to find out." Elsa said, as she froze the lock on the door to open it. "Luckily, this person is stupid enough to forget about my ice powers." She said, as she opened the door and gestured to the outside of the room.

"Awesome!" Kristoff said as they ran out of the door.

"I'll check if Anna's still here, you check on Sven." Elsa suggested. Kristoff nodded and ran to the stables as Elsa hurried herself over to Anna's room.

"Anna!" She yelled a few times as she ran through the hallways, but she didn't respond until Elsa reached her sister's room.

"Anna!" She screamed once more, all out of breath from the running.

"Yeah?" Her sister responded from inside her room. Elsa smiled by her sister's response. She opened the door and walked in.

"Oh Anna, you have no idea how happy I am to. . ." Elsa stopped talking as she looked at her sister. She was sitting on her bed, covered in bruises, and her eyes were red. Unnatural red. This must have been the red that Kristoff was talking about, because as Elsa looked right into Anna's red eyes, her own eyes started to burn. Elsa closed her eyes to stop the pain as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Anna. . ." She said as she slowly walked towards her sister without looking at her. "What happened to you?" She asked with a soft voice, worried about her sister.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 // A Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now