Chapter Eight ~ Lost In The Mountains

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Meanwhile, Kristoff had looked everywhere in the castle and the village for Anna, but she was nowhere to be found. He was worried sick, so he decided to get Sven and search for his wife in the first part of the forest. She had to be here somewhere right? It was dark and probably past midnight already, and he still hadn't found her. Although most people are afraid of the dark woods in the night, Kristoff was used to them, so not afraid. The only thing he was afraid of, was Anna being lost somewhere.

"Anna! Where are you?!" Kristoff kept screaming, hoping she would hear him and she would answer. But he got nothing. Not after one, three, ten, twenty times. Still nothing. He looked at Sven and said in 'Sven Talk', "Don't worry Kristoff, Anna will be fine, she can take care of herself."

"I know buddy, but I'm still worried about her. What if. . ." Kristoff got interrupted by a scream.

"Ah! Help! Please!" He recognized that voice. It was Anna. He had been searching for her for five hours, and he finally found her. But it sounded like she was in danger. He had to hurry.

"Anna! Where are you?!" He yelled once more.

"The cliff!" He heard her scream. He commanded Sven to run in the direction that leads to the cliff. Sven ran as fast as he could through the dark, cold forest. When they came closer to the cliff, Kristoff could see a shim of a woman standing at the edge of the cliff, surrounded by large dogs. 

Dogs. . .? Oh no, they're not dogs, they're wolves!  Kristoff thought, as him and Sven were a little closer to the cliff. He could see the white-gray fur of the wolves, lighted by the moonlight, as they were pushing Anna closer to the edge of the cliff.

"Hey! Over here!" He yelled at the hungry wolves. They turned they're growly faces around, to look where the sound came from. They growled. "That's right! I'm right here! Come and get me!" Kristoff yelled, as the wolves fully turned their body's around, slowly walking away from Anna, making their way towards Kristoff. Anna looked frightened, standing there on the edge, lightened by the moonlight. Kristoff knew Anna was afraid of wolves, so he knew how scared she was. He had no idea if 'cursed Anna' was afraid of wolves too, but he knew that the real Anna was still in there, and she was frightened. "Anna! Run!" Kristoff yelled at her, hoping she would listen and go somewhere safe, and so she did. It seemed like the wolves listened to him too, because they started to run towards him. Sven turned himself around and ran.

"Come on buddy, you can do it! Let's run as fast as you can." Kristoff said, as Sven used all his energy to run even faster. Kristoff looked over his shoulder, seeing the hungry wolves with their yellow eyes, desperate for a meal. He saw a shim run in the corner of his eye, so he looked to the side. It was Anna, still running for her life. He commanded Sven to run towards her, so he could get her on Sven's back to. As Sven was slowing down when they were closer to Anna to keep up with her, Kristoff reached his arm out to her. Anna looked at him.

"Kristoff!" She yelled, as she grabbed his arm so he could pull her onto Sven, who started to put all his energy in his running again. Kristoff looked over his shoulder again, to see were the wolves had gone. Unfortunately, they weren't giving them up yet. They were still being chased through the woods, and seemed that the wolves weren't going to give up anytime soon. As Sven kept running and running, Kristoff thought he saw something in the mountain they were running by. He squeezed his eyes together to sharpen his sight, as he saw what it was. 

A split! We can lose the wolves if we go in there! He thought.

"Sven! Over there!" He said, and Sven sprinted over to the split in the mountain. He jumped off Sven and helped Anna jump off him too. They ran into the split. Sven squeezed himself through the opening. The reindeer almost didn't fit through, but he luckily did. As they were hiding, Kristoff could just catch a blink of the white-gray wolves running past them They hadn't noticed them in the opening. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 // A Frozen TaleWhere stories live. Discover now