-just a girl-

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"I'll catch up with you guys, okay?" She said, walking away from her mum and brother.

"Hey?" She asked. 

He looked annoyed

Daryl was fuming; he just wanted to be alone, but as soon as Theo came into sight, he relaxed instantly. 

"Hi," he said, calming a little.

"You're back early," Theo asked, keeping up with his pace.

"Carol told me not to go. She said that she had given up, that she didn't think Sophia would be alive," he explained, shaking his head angrily.

"Really?" Theo wondered. All Carol cared about was Sophia; the fact that she was giving up was heartbreaking, and Theo felt somewhat responsible. 

"How are you feeling this morning?" Theo asked Daryl. He kept having moments when his side would act up, causing him pain.

"Fine, my side catches me off guard occasionally," he said, rubbing his side.

"Do you want to get your bandage changed?" Theo asked, making Daryl nod. 

They slowly walked back to their tents in comfortable silence. 

Theo made Daryl sit on the log outside their tents.

She went into Daryl's bike bag and grabbed a bandage and tape.

Daryl lifted his shirt slightly to reveal the bandage.

"What do you think of the barn situation?" Theo asked as she carefully took off the bloody bandage.

Once it was off, she got back up into her bag and grabbed the rubbing alcohol, reducing any chances of infection, as well as some cloth.

"I don't know. For once, I agree with your dad; it's Herschel's land, but then Shane is right, saying it is dangerous," he explained. Theo poured rubbing alcohol on the cloth, dabbing over the stitches, making Daryl wince.

"Sorry," she apologised. "But yeah, me too. I know that Herschel thinks they are just sick people, but if they get out while we are asleep, who knows what will happen?" Theo explained as she put the new bang against his wound, making Daryl hold it there.

"Speaking of my dad, have you seen him?" Theo asked. He is ripping off some of the tape to hold the bandage in its place and running her fingers unintentionally over his stomach quickly.

"No, he and Andrea were meant to be out, but I can see her from here," he said, pointing at T-Dog and Andrea.

Theo turned to see where he was looking; sure enough, Andrea was still there.

She finished up, Daryl dropping his shirt

"Thank you" He smiled, looking deeply into her eyes. 

"You go and find Carol, meet you back at the house,", She told him as they stood. He nodded and left.

Theo walked back to the farmhouse, meeting Andrea and T-Dog on the way

"Anyone seen Rick?" Andrea asked, looking at everyone.

"Was about to ask the same thing?" Theo told her, crossing her arms.

"He left with Herschel a few hours ago, and I haven't seen them since", Lori explained, looking round at everyone who looked worried. 

"The hell is going on?" Daryl asked, joining with Carol.

Everyone was now gathered, looking around, when the sight of Shane came into the picture.

"You know where Rick is?" Andrea asked, Shane instantly shaking his head.

"No, but we are doing something about that barn. Are you with me?" he asked, handing a gun to Daryl.

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