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🖤 364 likeschickenlittlejae i wasn't behaving well

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chickenlittlejae i wasn't behaving well. sorry.
View all 97 comments

  |  sungjin hes 8 years older than you
    |  pilligseu oh WHAT??
      |  yonkers you share the same birthday with him as well
        |  pilligseu WAIT WHAT THATS SO COOL i wanna hang out with him now

yongcities look i was joking when i said he looks like chicken little but you took it too seriously @yonkers
  |  pilligseu he even had him wear a chicken hat 😔
    |  yonkers had to teach him a lesson

ydwtingz yo look who in timeout 🤣
  |  sungjin LMFAOOOOOOO

marktuan oh noo what did he do LOL
  |  yonkers he shoved his head in a bowl and it got stuck for a good 30 minutes
    |  marktuan WHAT HOW DID IT GET STUCK
      |  yonkers some things god cant even explain

joyesque awwwww hes so cute 🥺
  |  chickenlittlejae im baby
    |  joyesque oh yes you're baby you cutie pie ): you got me going uwu all up in this bitch
      |  chickenlittlejae send booty pics

godwp we really live in an era where we are babying a human the local drug dealer accidentally bought
  |  chickenlittlejae oooh i know you want to baby me so bad
    |  godwp actually i am so close to calling the cops

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