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day 05 with jaehyung

the past few days i had with jaehyung weren't rough, he was easily able to comply with my commands to which i'm glad for.

but today might be a hassle for the both of us.

the power is out and the air conditioner isn't functioning. the convenience happened to take place when it's summer and the sun is ruthless, therefore, we are drenched in sweat and all i can hear the little whines jaehyung tries to surpress from the other side of the room.

i never told him to shut up, – though it's kinda getting there – but at least he tries.

however, seeing the state of him is quite pitiful; while i can handle the heat, i doubt he could. adding to that, i just learned that he's got a weak body. he might suffocate and i can't afford to have shit happen to him.

so, i get up from my chair and made my way to jaehyung who laid on the cold wooden floor as he softly whined. "hey, get up." i nudged his arm with my feet, which caused him to sit up quickly.

i kneel down to face him, and his cheeks were red as a tomato due to the humid. "we're going out for some fresh air, so take this off." i tugged at his sweatshirt but he doesn't move. i was confused when my fingers were wet from touching him, i furrow my brows at him before taking his sweatshirt off, and a soft wind of heat blows on my face.

he's drenched in his own sweat and he didn't even bother taking the garment off. "why didn't you tell me? you literally showered in your own sweat now, you idiot." i groaned, taking his dampened shirt off.

he doesn't respond, of course, but he sinks his head low, trying not to meet my eyes. he just purses his lips, fidgeting with his fingers and i stood up to grab some towels and new clothes for him to wear.

on the way to my room, my mind was blank, but as soon as i held the doorknob, realization hit me that i am actually responsible for him.

and it sucks.

i can't deny, it's only been five days since I had Jaehyung on my front door, but during those five days, none of them were boring. he managed to pull my mind away from the things i do.

well, i can't ignore his existence in the first place. the last time i did, he found some weed and almost ate it.

i had to lecture him by smoking it right in front of him, it didn't end well for the both of us, but i was relieved knowing i was conscious enough to not hand him the blunt.

i come back to see him sitting in the same spot where i left him, "i doubt you can wipe your own sweat, come here." i called and he scoots over, i grab the towel to wipe the sweat off.

gazing from his back, he looks really intimidating. his height doesn't help it either. i continue to wipe his sweat off, until he's dry enough to wear the shirt i brought over.

handing him the shirt before i stood up, his face starts to fill with content when he puts it on. "you comfy? good." i smirk.

i watch him brush off the lint on the shirt, and slowly but surely, i started to fall into a stare towards him. his long, blonde hair looks soft and silky. his milky skin is so smooth, that my eyes were just sliding off whenever they trailed down to his hands, where his fingers tinted pink at the tips.

he's pretty.

insanely pretty.

i don't think it's possible for anyone to look this pretty. there's an ethereal being that's seated below me, and as much as i hate to admit it, there's no denying it either. maybe it's because of the people i surrounded myself with, but he is, without a doubt, the prettiest person i have ever seen.

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