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day 02 with jaehyung

every time the clock ticked, the sound resonated through the hallways, sometimes followed with jaehyung's feet meeting the ground while he swayed them, while i sat beside him in silence as we wait for the nurse to call us in. we haven't been waiting long, but it seems that he's getting a little impatient based on the little huffs he lets out time to time.

i try to ignore it, i don't really want to deal with him right now since our morning started quite rough. long story short, i forgot he existed, and i didn't prepare him breakfast. in result, he cried, and that was probably his first tantrum with me.

fortunately, he didn't cry like a toddler, but the way he sulked just pissed me off.

it dawned on me that he's starting to feel comfortable around me, and it's not that i don't want him to, i am glad that he's warming up to me. it's gonna be easier to deal with him now.

we continued to wait, and jaehyung's sighs were starting to get a little heavy. three minutes passed by, and i feel his head leaning onto my shoulder as he yawns.

"huh, i guess twelve hours of sleep wasn't enough for you." i chuckle, softly patting his head.

"hold on, let me take a picture of your ugly ass." i took my phone out and turned on the camera, only to laugh at what i was greeted with. jaehyung stared dumbfoundedly on the screen before he vigorously tapped it, causing his finger to press the shutter button at least five times.

i snatch the phone away from him as i look at him with furrowed brows. ain't no way this kid just messed with my phone like that.

"you bitch, my phone is edging on one gigabyte."

he pouted at the tone of my voice, then he turns his head away, i realized he's sulkint again. ignoring him, i check my phone's gallery and chuckle at the results. "pfft, look at you." i nudge him and he looks over curiously.

i hear him let out a little giggle, which gradually turned into a breathy laughter. "'s not even funny." i mumble, swiping the screen to see another blurry picture of us and he laughs even more.

my heart starts palpitating when i got a glance of his bright smile, and i wonder, how long has it been since he smiled like this? obviously, we both have no idea, but he seems to be blissful today.

and it puts a smile on my face.

wait, what the fuck was that.

i blink a few times to bring myself back to my senses, i can't believe my heart just melted a little. it's only been two days and i'm already feeling like i've grown a strong bond with him.

jeez, what is wrong with me?

bringing my fist to my head, i bump my head onto it. i need to stop getting attached to him like wonpil said, it won't do good for the both of us.

the screeching sound of the door from the end of the hallway catches my attention. jaehyung, on the other hand, is still immersed on my phone to notice.

a nurse comes out from the door to make her way towards us, "excuse me, you must be mr.. uhm..."

the nurse stammers as she reads the paper again, "mr. king kong.. kang?"

"ah yes, you got that right." i smiled as i stood up, patting jaehyung's shoulder and he lifts his head up to face me with a curious look. "we gotta get you checked up for aids." i whispered, my hand gesturing him to get up.

the nurse smiled, "ah, he must be your boyfriend?"

just by one word, the blood on my neck rushes upwards to my cheeks and my eyes widen. the question really took me aback, so much that even my face instinctively grimaced at the thought of jaehyung being my boyfriend.

sorry, miss nurse, but that's kinda fucked up.

"no, he's my younger brother." i responded with a cheeky smile.

the elated expression on the nurse's face turns into a surprised one as soon as jaehyung stood up. "oh, well, he's pretty tall.." she comments, and my smile turns awkward.

"aha.. well, i missed a growth spurt."

"yes, i can see that."

we stood in silence as i let it sink in on me, shit, did i set myself up?

"please follow me." the nurse says, guiding us to the room.


we finally left the hospital, and i found out that he's allergic to basically everything. i was handed a list of food he's allergic to – which is ridiculously long, but i'll have to read it to avoid a human dying on me.

before we left, i had to feed my curiousity and unfortunately, the doctor also had no idea why the boy sucks at communicating. i was told to take him to a neurologist, but i'd rather think about what matters right now and that is jaehyung and his allergies.

"god really fucked you over, huh." i said as i read the list thoroughly and i see pollen listed. "oh no, how are we gonna smoke weed then?"

the latter is too busy to care, he's preoccupied by looking around his surroundings, all while being latched onto my arm. whenever i pulled away, he hastily grabs my arm back with a tighter grip. probably because he's anxious or something.

i decided to ignore it; if i bicker with him, we wouldn't last a minute.

not to mention, i don't have a vehicle, nor do i have a bus card, so we're gonna have to walk home and i don't want to deal with him on the way.

but, of course, i wasn't dumb. i planned this the day before, and the walk back to my apartment isn't too far. it was distanced enough for me to be exhausted. i sigh, folding the paper and placing it in my pocket. "are you hungry?" i ask him.

obviously, i didn't get a response.

whatever, i'm hungry.

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