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day 03 with jaehyung

god, what do i do with him? i ask myself. it's just the billion dollar question that keeps rolling around my mind; why was a normal person like him kidnapped and put up for sale? i mean, shit, i'm sure they don't just kidnap anyone in a sidewalk. at least that's what i pictured about jaehyung getting kidnapped.

i try to shake the thought off, i don't want to think about it at the moment.

i glance at kaehyung who sat politely in front of the television. it's getting concerning since he sat there the whole fucking day. literally.

"jaehyung, get your ass off the screen and come here." i called, though i knew he wouldn't be able to understand. i have no idea what the fuck happened to him but whatever it is, it's none of my business. i'm sending him off to wonpil soon.

or when he's capable of talking, i'll just desert him somewhere.

nonetheless, jaehyung hasn't arrived. he was still sitting but i briefly saw him glance at me. of course, since he knew his name, he'd look at me. he's just like a dog, but worse. it's so damn hard to communicate with him, it's almost like talking to a brick wall. the fuck am i supposed to do?

i sigh, before getting off the kitchen counter. i made my way towards the living room and picked the boy up, sitting him on the couch as i turned the televison off. despite him being weirdly taller than i am, he's quite skinny for his height and he's almost lighter than dowoon, if i remember.

he stares at me with an odd look on his face, curious as to why i picked him up in the first place. "you're gonna strain your eyes," i say, and he blinks a few times in confusion. i was tired of keeping up with his shit and i went on with my words regardless of him not being able to understand.

"look, the televison isn't good for you, or for me. the electric bills are going high this month and whose fault is that? you." i point to his chest, causing him to look down at my finger.

huh, why was that cute?

i pulled away, resting my grip on my hips. i look at the time and it's already 15:09, and i'm sure jaehyung haven't had his lunch yet. i look at him, only to find him looking down on his knees as he fidgeted with his fingers. fuck, why am i so amused by this?

"have you eaten?" i ask, and he lifts his head up. "i'll prepare you something, what do you want?"

of course, younghyun, he'd obviously tell you.

however, the next thing he does surprises me. he stands up and leads me to the kitchen – by holding onto my shirt. the next thing i knew, he was pointing at the cheerios sitting at the corner of the counter, then points to his mouth, hinting on what he wanted.

i smirk at his actions, "oh, so you do understand me." i raise a brow. for some reason, i was proud of what he just did. he didn't seem to understand what i said though, but he continues to point at the box as he increases the tension of his grip on my shirt, his lips slowly shifting to a pout.

"seriously, cheerios? you already had this for breakfast." i argue, but it only caused him to stomp his feet on the ground as his grip on my shirt tightens. "you even had this for dinner last night! what are you, a college student?"

i wasn't looking at his face the entire time, but when i glanced at him, his eyes were getting teary.

"okay okay, fine, we're eating cheerios." i rolled my eyes, softly taking his hand off my shirt. he obediently complied before he made his way to the chair near the counter.

taking two bowls from the drawers, i notice that he's watching me. usually, i would be thrown off by the action, but jaehyung's stares are so soft that i can't find a reason to hate it.

i set a bowl in front of him, and though he tries to hide it, his excitement emitting through with his little pats on the counter.

i chuckle at him, which caused him to stop. "weirdo."

his eyes slowly fall down to his hands, biting his bottom lip. i roll my eyes before i turn around to grab the cereal, but then i hear him mumble something.

"what was that?"

no response.

it took me a minute to turn back around in defeat, only to see jaehyung's head in a bowl.


i got tagged by GeminiForMe so

fav color
pink and red !!


last song played
egoist – olivia hye

i have six (6) siblings

biggest fears
not being able to finish what i started
and insects ew BUGS

september 25

shoe size
7.5 / 41

first follower
my main account taerts

favorite games
rn it's genshin impact !!

favorite ships in kpop
yoonmin (i used to binge yoonmin ffs LFNSSJDM)
every ship in day6

introvert or extrovert
i'm very introverted HHHHHH

tag 15 people
bold of you to think i have friends on this god forsaken app

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