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day 22 with jaehyung

thank god, it only took two seconds for wonpil to pull away from the tight hug he gave me.

the sight of the three of them after months felt delightful, yet the feeling of being flustered from earlier is still lingering within me. i couldn't think straight and not to mention, my cheeks feel like they're about to explode.

of course, there should be a reason why they're here. they don't usually drop by even when they're nearby. one of the prime examples being sungjin. "what made you guys come over?" i ask, and dowoon snickers.

"we wanted to devirginize sungjin's car." he says.

appalled by his choice of words, i only gave him an awkward smile as i hear sungjin heave out a sigh. "it was hell. they were flirting with each other the whole ride, and i was bearing it but i felt like crashing the car into a tree." he groaned as the couple gave a chuckle.

again, i'm appalled by sungjin as well. it seems like he had a rough ride as he ran his mouth with so much words. "at least you endured it." i say, in hopes for him to feel better.

"thanks." he deadpans, and i responded with a mocking smile.

"so.. are you just gonna make us stand here?" dowoon addresses, his hands gesturing to their position in which they stood at my door, waiting for me to move aside.

however, they haven't exactly answered my question yet, have they? "yeah, but i still have no idea why you guys are here." i leaned on the door frame to block any passage.

i have nothing to hide, i just wanted to buy myself some time to calm down from earlier.

"we came here to meet jaehyung, actually." wonpil responded, and the other two nodded. i felt surprised since i recalled sungjin didn't really care about jaehyung.

i blink a few times at the aforementioned, "and you tagged along?"

he pursed his lips before he sighs, "dowoon asked me to come and since the kid's leaving soon, it would be sad if i never got to meet him." he said, giving a small smile.

"are you being soft right now?"

"can you at least appreciate that i went over my way to come over?"

wonpil interrupts me before i could respond back, "alright, chill out." he says as he got in between the both of us. "maybe we can do this inside the apartment instead of waking up younghyun's neighbours."

"ironic, you didn't even bother thinking of that in the first place." i retorted as i roll my eyes, and he just shrugs.

"who.. who's there?" i hear jaehyung come out of the room, probably from the ruckus that happened a little earlier.

dowoon snorts, "we still haven't gone inside the apartment and we're seeing him for the first time like this."

jaehyung already made his way towards me, just so he could hide behind my back and lean over to see the three standing at the door. "ah.. hi." he mumbles, his fingers lifting up a little wave.

of course, i expected wonpil to be awestruck the most from them. "oh my gosh, hi." he extends his hands out to shake jaehyung's. "you're taller than i thought, wow."

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