Chapter One

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A Dan Smith Love Story

Chapter One: New Years Eve.

Everything started when my brother brought me home a fake ID. My brother's 21 years old, but he wanted me to go to a bar with him tonight for New Year's Eve. As a seventeen year old, you always will jump at any sort of opportunity to get drunk. It was just going to be my brother, me, and some of his college mates from UNI.

I was playing the piano in my studio, trying to finish a new song, when my brother barged in.
"Oi, knock first Jason," I shouted. Jason laughed.
"Everyone knows you're good at music. Why do you still hide it love?" he asked. I slammed my song book shut.
"Because it's personal shit," I yelled.
"C'mon, get ready. We're leaving in an hour. Please dress as if you were older. Maybe borrow one of mums cocktail dresses," he suggested. I frowned at the thought of going through my mothers things for an occasion like this.
"I couldn't," I replied.
"She's been gone for five years, love. You used to always steal her clothes," Jason argued.
"That's when she was here Jay," I cried.
"Just get ready," he said as he left my studio.

I walked across the hall to my bedroom and dug through my closet for the tight fitting red dress I bought for tonight. I laid it on my bed along with red heels. I walked to my bathroom and started to curl my long, thin, blonde, hair. In 20 minutes I was finished, so I applied some hair finishing spray. I applied light makeup and called it good. When I was done I walked out of the bathroom and slipped on my dress. After that I put on my heels. I put 40 pounds in my bra, just in case. Jason came into my bedroom.
"Ready?" he asked. I grabbed my purse and put my small songbook into it. "You really have to take that?" he asked.
"I take it everywhere. What if I think of a melody or lyrics for a song I've struggled with? I have to have something to write it down," I exaggerated.
"You won't have enough time for that tonight," Jason teased. With that, we left.

We got to the club and walked right inside, simple as that. We met Jason's mates at the club, I've been around them before. After an hour or so I got sick of dancing and joined a lonely soul at the bar. He was cute. Dark hair, blue eyes, bluer than mine at least. "I'll have whatever he's having," I said to the bartender. By this time, I've had so much to drink I can't taste, so I didn't care if it was a shitty drink. I held my hand out to the stranger and said,
"I'm Arabella Shea." He awkwardly shook my hand.
"Dan," he replied.
"Is it just Dan," I asked. He coughed again awkwardly and then replied,
"Daniel, Smith."
"Well, Dan, or Daniel, like I said, I'm Arabella, most people call me Ari," I added confidently. Where did this confidence come from? Alcohol. I smiled at the thought.
"What," Dan/Daniel asked.
"I'm just thinking. Anyways, can I buy you a drink," I asked. Dan coughed.
"I'm actually here with friends," he replied.
"A girlfriend?" I asked.
"No, I don't have one," he replied sheepishly.
"Well Dan Daniel, one drink won't hurt a soul like yours. Maybe it'll even fill it," I teased, not having a clue who this man really was. I flagged down the bartender and ordered the strongest drink I could.

An hour of drinking with Dan Daniel passed, and I had him drunk enough to the point where he was more himself. He was less awkward at least. All of a sudden, everyone started counting down. When they got to one, I kissed Dan with my alcohol induced self confidence.
"Would you like to come with me to my flat?" he asked after we finished a small make-out session. "Sure Dan Daniel," I replied. He laughed.
"It's just Dan," he teased. The next thing I remember is going home with Dan, and doing something I'd soon regret.

It was now the next morning. When Dan woke up he remembered the night he had. He looked at, me, the beautiful stranger sleeping next to him.
"She'll be hungry," he thought to himself. Dan stood up and got dressed. He left me a quick note saying he'd be right back. Then he left.

I woke up and Dan was no longer next to me. I felt my head starting to pound. I needed coffee. I read a note on the side table that read,
"Went to get us some brekky. Be back soon. -Dan." Great, now I can't sneak out. I put on my undergarments from last night and then found one of Dan's T-shirts laying on the bedroom floor.

I started getting curious about the place I spent my night in. I walked around snooping. I found a bathroom, the kitchen, another bedroom, an office, and then I found the holy grail. It was a music studio. Dan Daniel had a metallic gold Yamaha grand piano. I've seen the same one sold online for half a million pounds. I sat down, my mouth gaping at the beautiful instrument. Behind me I saw a drum kit, an electric keyboard, a bass, an electric guitar, and an acoustic guitar.
"What was this guy into?" I mentally asked myself.

I ran to Dan's bedroom and grabbed my songbook. I then ran back and sat at the piano. I flipped open to the page for my newest work in progress, Dark Enough. I started playing the keys and singing along with the lyrics I had at the moment. "There is a girl, in the front of my class. Who I swear I've never seen do anything but laugh. She's tall and she's smart, beautiful and strong, and when someone's down she tries to fix what is wrong." I ended there because that's all I had. I grumbled in frustration.
"It sounded great," someone said from behind me. I jumped up from the piano.
"I am so sorry Dan," I said.
"It's fine, really, you sounded amazing," Dan replied. I smiled. He held up a bag of McDonald's.

We went to the kitchen where he gave me coffee with biscuits and gravy. Dan reached into his pocket looking for his phone. He then stood up.
"Be right back," he said. I nodded as he walked down the hallway. He was gone for about five minutes. When he came back he seemed, angry, confused, and genuinely pissed the fuck off.
"Explain this," he grumbled handing me a card of some sort. I took the card and realized it was my student ID. It said class of 2014.
"How old are you?" Dan basically screamed. I looked at him sympathetically, knowing how much trouble he could get into for sleeping with me.
"Seventeen," I replied.
"Oi," Dan shouted. He rubbed his hands through his hair and down his face.
"I'm sorry, Dan, I really am," I shouted back.
"You were in a bar last night," he yelled.
"I have a fake ID," I replied.
"Great, that's just great! I think you should leave," he suggested. I nodded and then walked towards Dan's bedroom. I got dressed in what I wore last night and grabbed my purse. I gave Dan a sympathetic look as I left his flat.

I checked my phone as I started my walk home, a million calls from Jason. I called him back.
"Where the hell are you?" he screamed.
"I had a one night stand," I replied. I pulled the phone away from my ear as Jason started yelling vulgar things into my ear.
"Shut up Jason," I yelled, hanging up my phone. I continued my walk home.

It was January now, obviously, and London winters are cold. I looked like a hooker in my short red dress. Everyone gave me weird looks as I made my way down the streets. Yes I understand. I'm a wanker for going out in last nights dress. In just over hour I was home, thank god. When I got inside, my dad and my brother were in the living room looking frantic. I held my hand to them.
"Shut up," I said. "We didn't say anything," my dad teased. I gave him a look. They started laughing.
"Oi! she's upset because she had her first one night stand," Jason teased.
"Fuck off, alright? I feel like shit, mentally and physically," I shouted.
"Alright, what happened?" my dad asked.
"I forgot to take my student ID out of my purse. Dan, the guy I hooked up with, found it and he asked how old I really was," I replied.
"Dumbass," Jason muttered.
"Just stop, alright?" I begged. I went to my bedroom, laid on my bed, and cried. Then I realized, I left my songbook on his piano.

A/N Ahh! I'm so excited for this book. Already written 25 chapters! Please bear with me, as I am an American, I'm not British. I'm trying my hardest making this a British styled story, while also having my American readers be able to understand what's going on. Thanks so much for reading. I have anther Bastille story called The Draw, so check that out! Thanks again loves, -Alyssa Xx

Ps. Dark Enough is NOT my song...

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