~A trip to the hospital~

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Midnight POV
"We need to find Midoriya quick, if something bad, worse I mean, happens Bakugou will feel responsible to a massive extent." I say to Present Mic as we walk down the halls for a room inspection
"Yeah, we should really—" he starts
"SOMEONE QUICK! IT'S BAKUGOU! CALL AN AMBULANCE, QUICK!" Kirishima's voice echoes throughout the building
Me and Mic look each other in the eyes and rush over as fast as we can, when we make it to Bakugou's room we see Bakugou on the floor in Kirishima's arms. There's blood everywhere, I rush over to him and I check his pulse. It's still beating. Mic calls the ambulance and Recovery girl and they quickly arrive. Bakugou gets taken away in the ambulance to the nearest hospital and we inform his parents. When the clock strikes 11PM we get the results to what had happened to him...
This poor boy...
Mitsuki POV
"Well the results are in, I'm sorry. Your son had lost a lot of blood because...he was cutting and he had cut too deep. He should be fine in a day, but we will keep him for a couple more." The doctors says
I feel my heart break, my voice trembling I ask "H-How long do you think he's been cutting..?"
"He did before this. By looking at his arms you can see other scars on them, do you know what might have happened to cause him to cut this extreme? There were many cuts on both arms, around 25 on each." He replies
"H-his boyfriend...." I say, my voice and heart breaking, "He was kidnapped. We haven't seen him in weeks."
"I'm so sorry for asking ma'am." The doctor says, trying to comfort me
"No, no. It's alright. I'd like to see my son." I say as I get up and leave the doctors office
I walk into the hospital bed. My son is sleeping peacefully with a bag injecting blood into him, he had severe blood loss. His arms are decorated in cuts, it breaks my heart to see him like this. I can't look at my baby anymore, I turn away and cry. Inko walks in and tries to comfort me, but to no avail. I cry and cry some more, and when I can't cry anymore I go home. I feel my heart break as I walk into the house, I see Masaru sitting on the couch, his eyes are red as well. I don't think I can handle anymore crying, so I go around the house and turn all of the pictures around of Katsuki. Just seeing his face makes me want to cry. My poor baby, he's been cutting himself.
Bakugou POV
I wake up in a hospital, everything is blurry. There's a tube inserted into my arm injecting blood into me. I look at my wrist and see all the cuts I had made the previous night had been stitched up.
"What the fuck happened?" I ask myself quietly
Then I remember.
Kirishima's screams.
The footsteps down the halls.
The ambulance taking me.
The sudden urge to live.
Everything comes flooding back into my brain, causing me a headache. I feel the sudden urge to vomit. I try to hold it in, but I fail and I vomit all over the bed.
"I'm so sorry. I caused you some trouble.." I say as the nurse comes in to change my bedsheets.
"Oh no honey, don't you worry about a thing. You didn't cause me any trouble. You're a very polite boy, but there's no use apologising for absolutely nothing!" She says in her kind voice
Auntie Inko walks in the room, and gives me a big hug.
"Katsuki, I'm so sorry. Please don't cut anymore." She says as she embraces me
I don't hug her back and I look to the ground, she keeps waiting for me to respond though.
"I won't." I promise half heartedly
"Thank you, honey we were so worried." She says as he let's go of me and looks me in the eyes.
Inko POV
I look into Katsuki's dull eyes, the poor thing. He averts his eyes to the ground.
"Katsuki, could you please talk to someone?" I ask
He just shakes his head, "I'm too far gone this time, it won't do any good."
It breaks my heart to hear those words. His eyes display no emotions, it's like his eyes are a drawn curtain, letting no one inside of his bubble. Like no one should know about his feelings.
I choke back some sobs quietly before saying quietly, "Please, it's what he would have wanted..."
He looks sad for a moment, before nodding his head, "Okay...."
Poor Katsuki, Izuku was one of the only people he could talk to...and now he's not here for him...
So this is what happened to him...
Aizawa POV
I walk into the classroom and Kirishima is awfully quiet, I walk over to his desk.
"Kirishima, he will be okay." I say quietly to him
He nods his head, and awkwardly laughs "Thanks, I think I needed to hear that..."
I go on and mark attendance, missing Bakugou and Midoriya on the way down. I'm guessing no one knows about Bakugou because when I skip his name Iida raises his hand.
"Me Aizawa! Where is Bakugou? Is he sick?" He asks, he's worried..
I sigh.
"Guys, this is important." I say, there eyes grow wide with curiosity, "Bakugou is in the hospital for.."
I get cut off by Mina, "Oh my god! Is he okay?!"
"We don't know Mina, he's woken up so we think we should be fine." I reply
"What is he in there for?" Tsuyu asks
"He's in there for.." my voice chokes, even though I'm not close per say to him, it's really serious and it so upsetting that one of my students would do this, "He was cutting himself...and he...he cut too deep. We are going to ask him if it intentionally cut that deep or if it was an accident. Please don't question him about it, it's not your job to do so and you wouldn't want to make him feel bad. So when he does return don't make a big fuss over it, and don't question him about anything to do with while he was in hospital."
Everyone agrees and I add, "We're going to pretend like I told you he was staying at his mother's house because he was upset about Midoriya, okay? Please don't ask him where he was or anything. For his sake."
Again everyone agrees and nods, they all care so much about Bakugou. Even though sometimes he can be a jerk, he can be so nice and caring. His classmates really do care about him, Bakugou may not know that but they really do.
~1146 words~

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