2] Days like these

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Three months.

It had been three months since the Kents moved in with the Waynes.

And honestly, it was great!

Damian after the first three weeks had warmed up to the idea mainly because his best friend was Jon the only other person beside Dick that could contain and calm him down.

Tim, of course, didn't notice a real difference since Kon stayed over at the manor more than half the week anyway. But what he did notice was how little he and Damian fought now that Jon was there only and always a couple of steps behind him.

Sure they still fought. I mean, it was in a brother's job description to. But now, at least, they got a breather in between for a few hours, at the most a few days.

Cass and Steph couldn't be happier knowing the man who took them in as his own willingly, guided them when they needed it, and was there for them found his own piece of happiness.

Kon and Jon were just an added bonus and they were a pretty big family already, what was two more brothers really?

Barbara, honestly didn't think the relationship was going to last past the first dating stage, but then it did, not easily might I add.

It was hard, there was compromise on both ends, but they did it and they've never stopped doing it because they truly love each other and that's when she knew it would work out and nothing could come between the two heroes.

Kate didn't mind either because happy Batman meant happy Bruce Wayne and happy Bruce Wayne meant less broody loneliness and more family time.

Dick and Jason didn't really care one way or another, Clark made Bruce less broody, more lifelike, and he actually managed to make the big bad bat laugh and smile. And in their books that was a victory if there ever was one.

The dynamic was good.

Until it was disrupted, but we'll get to that...

Right now the Batsiblings were all over the place, they'd just finished lunch, and thanks to Alfred they'd been forced to have it as a semi-normal family in the dining room. But as soon as the last bite was taken they were out of their seats and the room faster than a speeding bullet.

 But as soon as the last bite was taken they were out of their seats and the room faster than a speeding bullet

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Damian and Jon both skipped out on the extra family time and headed out on early night patrols. And by early night, I mean late afternoon.

The sun was barely setting and the cold breeze of night slowly drifting in as Damien swung from building to building via grappling hook while Jon easily kept up flying beside him in silence.

He was lost in thought. Thoughts about school, his dad, his new family, his best friend, Damian. His thoughts and mind lingered on Damian.

Jon was always either annoyed at the boy or impressed.

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