10] Difficult news

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Wayne Manor

"And what did you say?"

Bruce had just finished telling Clark everything that happened with Tony after he flew away from the office. Needless to say, neither were all that happy, surprised definitely. Worried more for their kids' sake than their own, absolutely.

"What do you think I said?" Bruce retorted pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

He didn't mean to be so snappy towards Clark... or even Alfred when he first walked through the manor's front door and stalked his way upstairs.

But he was agitated and stressed over what was going to happen next, things were going so well and now they weren't.

He knew not to let his guard down and he did it anyway and then this happened.

"I wanted to say no, but..." he trailed off his head tilting up to look at Clark from his spot on the bed.

"You're his family," Clark said for him, his face softening, "and if you said no it would have aroused suspicion as to why."

Bruce scoffed, "it's going to arouse suspicion either way. When Tony, his fiance, and their kid come and stay here they'll see our children aren't exactly the most normal."

Clark kneeled in front of his boyfriend and placed both his hands over Bruce's folded ones, "true," he half shrugged not being able to lie even if it would temporarily ease Bruce's worries because it would inevitably be a lie. "But we'll figure it out," he sounded more confident than he should have been and that forced a small smile onto Bruce's face, "we'll figure it out with the kids," Clark nodded as if trying to convince himself now.

"We can try," sighed Bruce, he really didn't know what else to say.

"If they can't handle it we can always make up some excuse like staying over at a friend's house or going camping, something so they can go and take a break at the Titans tower, the hall, or even the mountain."

Bruce exhaled a breath before quickly cupping Clark's face in his hands and kissing him, Clark made a surprised noise, but soon kissed back melting into the familiar routine of their make-out sessions.

It wasn't even a minute before Bruce was pulling away again his lips slightly parted and lightly panting as he stared into Clark's beautiful blue eyes that were now slowly darkening in lust as he stared back at the billionaire.

"What was that for?" he asked.

Bruce smiled, "just for you being you," he whispered then stood up and walked over to his desk, but after the way, they kissed there was no way Clark was just going to let him get back to work.

He pushed himself to his feet and wrapped Bruce up in a hug from behind, he dipped his head down and kissed the back of Bruce's neck, then the side, then just below his jaw, then his cheek, then his chin, the corner of Bruce's lips.

Bruce was finally facing forward in Clark's embrace instead of behind him and slid his arms around Clark's neck until his hands and fingers were messily entangled in the reporter's dark locks.

Clark let his own hands roam down until they were roughly gripping at Bruce's hips pulling him closer so that there was absolutely no space between them.

They soon pulled away to breathe and instead of continuing much to Bruce's dismay, Clark lightly pecked his lips, once, twice, and a third, last time.

Bruce couldn't help the small groan and Clark smiled widely with a soft chuckle, "when are you going to tell the kids?" he asked.

Bruce felt himself fall back to reality as if before his lover's question he was floating effortlessly and enjoyably in space while now he was crashing and hitting the hard ground of Earth beneath him.

Bruce sighed, not so much in frustration of their situation but more to collect his thoughts and ground himself again.

"Tomorrow," he nodded, "after they get back from school."

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