7] Evaluation tests

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The two main components to figuring out how your opponent or teammate functions.

When the Batsiblings were trained it wasn't easy, enjoyable, or God forbid fun.

It was hard,

The hours were long and the days felt like months, their bodies were exerted and their minds pushed and then some more.

Batman's number one rule: 'You give me everything you've got.'
His second rule: 'Then you give me more.'

When he joined the League he composited a strengths and weaknesses report on each member, he had the means and resources to take them down if anything ever went wrong.

And they knew it.

The Avengers, however, didn't.

But they were going to find out.

If they wanted to work alongside the Justice League they had to be able to keep up without dragging the rest of the team down, compromising them, or worse scenario getting one of them seriously injured or killed.

Neither was an option for Batman.

And for once the rest of the League agreed.

Hal rather maturely agreed to take the Avengers, Scarlett witch, and Vision.

Diana offered to take Thor since other than Clark, she was the only other one strong enough to handle a literal God.

Barry, of course, voted for the speedster.

Oliver obviously wanted the so-called Hawkeye.

J'onn opted for Steve.

Dinah volunteered to come back early from her Toronto mission to take on the Black Widow.

Which left Clark and Arthur handling the one and only green monstered Hulk.

And Batman declared before anyone was assigned anyone that Iron-man was his.

He wasn't sure if it was for the reason Tony was the most reckless and impulsive of the group or because this was his cousin and he had to show Tony through Batman the real dangers of allying with the Justice League.

Either way, no one questioned it.

Then there was really only one person left, but since none of the other League members could make it and the certain Avenger wasn't all that threatening or apparently trained.

The Batfamily were more than welcome to intervene and help. Another good reason was that they'd be at the hall of justice anyway, at least four of them would be.


Bruce watched as Dick, Tim, and Damian all walked through the zeta beams wearing their Nightwing, Red Robin, and Robin uniforms.

It was early Saturday morning, the rest of the League and the Avengers were already teamed up and off testing each other's abilities.

All of them except for Batman and Iron-Man, who waited for the three bat proteges to show up and take Spiderman off their hands.

This, of course, Tony didn't know or realize until he was staring them in the face.

Damian wasn't there to help, he just wanted somewhere else to train beside the Wayne manor gym and the Batcave, the hall just so happened to qualify. And the fact that his brothers and father were there was purely inevitable. It was the Hall of Justice after all.

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