14] Strange connection

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Wayne Manor, Peter's room

"What do you people have against sleeping?"

Peter grumbled as he rolled over and blindly grabbed for his ringing phone on the bedside table. A face he could never be mad at covered the screen and a tired smile spread across his lips as he swiped the answer button.

"Morning, Princess."

"Hi, Pete!" Morgan exclaimed insanely waving at her older brother through the phone.

Peter slowly wormed himself into a half-sitting position, "What are you doing up so early?" he asked lazily squinting at the wall clock in front of him. "It's not even... eleven?" he couldn't believe how late he'd slept.

Why didn't his dad or pops wake him?

"It's not early, Pete," Morgan giggled, "it's almost lunchtime."

"I see that," Peter yawned out before viciously shaking his head like a puppy to try and wake himself up.

"Harley's making us pancakes and tacos!"

"Pancakes... and... tacos..." Peter repeated not sure if he was hearing Morgan right or if his siblings had just gotten weirder while he was away.

"Yeah," Harley's voice sounded as he crouched down beside Morgan slinging an arm over her small shoulders, "some of us don't just sleep our lives away, isn't that right M?"

Morgan laughed and nodded.

Peter rolled his eyes, "sure, when-- you know, nevermind. How's everything going there?"

Harley tilted his head slightly with an inquisitive look, he could tell Peter was holding back something but decided not to push in case it was something that couldn't exactly be spoken in front of their little sister.

"All good," he, instead, shrugged.

"We miss you, Pete," Morgan whined out with a pout.

"Awe," Peter lit up looking more wide awake than ever, "I miss you too, Princess," he then darted his eyes to Harley, "You, not as much," he joked and Harley scoffed with a faint smile.

"Where's Daddy and Poppy?" Morgan asked and Peter recalled his parents' schedule for the day as well as his own.


"Yeah, where is Dad?" Harley questioned too, "Pops face timed us last night before bed, but Dad wasn't there."

"Some information thing," Peter waved off, "Dad's gone to visit his cousin today I'm not really sure when he'll be back and Pops is probably somewhere around here," he shrugged.

"When are you guys coming home?" Morgan asked now looking a little disappointed.

Peter scratched the back of his neck, "Umm... not sure, Morgan. I don't really think it's gonna be soon. Dad and Pops will probably come to get you before we go back to New York," he admitted.

"That bad, huh?" Harley questioned.

"No! No!" Peter shook his head, "not bad, just... not as simple as it was planned out to be. Dad's made plans to build a Stark tower here in Gotham, so... we'll see."

Harley didn't respond only nodded.

"Look, guys, I gotta go," Peter knew the conversation was a dead-end from there on and decided instead of talking in circles with Harley and continuing to disappoint Morgan with the lack of their parents that it would be better to end the call and grab a shower.

"Okay, cool. Text you later?" Harley asked.

"Yeah," Peter nodded.

"Love you, Pete," Morgan waved.

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