12] Living with family

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As predicted, things did not go so well.

Neither of their kids liked the idea of having to hide their true natures and abilities in their own home.

Even though, Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, and Cass weren't as against and angry at the idea since they were more than used to pretending the rich and upper-class children of billionaire Bruce Wayne than any of the others.

Damian, however, was very much against the idea along with Kon and Jon.

Both Super children not liking the fact they couldn't fly when they were too lazy to walk or superspeed somewhere when they were too impatient for human speed or a vehicle or the fact they couldn't fast cook or fast heat their meals and drinks with their heat vision when they didn't want to wait.

Damian was opposed to the idea for completely different reasons.

Such as, the manor being the one place he could unashamedly be himself. He didn't have to hide the fact, he was Ra's Al Ghul's grandson, the son of Talia and Batman. He didn't have to worry about fighting with his annoying brothers and sisters because he knew they could handle it and they put up with it for the very fact that he was a fourteen-year-old boy born into the League of Assassins.

He didn't have to explain why he played with knives or wielded a katana in the garden or how he knew several different languages or how sometimes he would speak like a doctor, history professor, or multiple other high studied professions.

And now, he had to be Damian Wayne the son of billionaire Bruce Wayne. Obnoxious, arrogant, overly confident, snarky, rich brat that didn't care about anything but himself and his daddy's money.

Whereas he had, the not caring part down to a perfect T, the rest he always hated pretending to be.

Dick, of course, being the amazing, good, and protective older brother silently vowed to himself to keep everyone more or less in line.

Jason was easy to handle.

Tim was already pretty well behaved.

Same with Steph.

Cass... as long as she had Steph and Bruce she'd be moderately fine.

Kon got pretty quiet around people a little distant too, but if he needed it both Clark and Tim were there.

Jon, well... he was just a happy ray of sunshine that always out of some miracle managed to keep Damian kinda sorta behaving or at least he kept the demon brat from whipping out his katana sword and slicing the person who's bothering him's head clean off.

Yeah, Dick just had to control Jason's extensive profanity, Tim's massive caffeine addiction, Steph's a bit too straightforwardness, Cass's now and again assassin habits, Kon's obsession with static tv, Jon's default of always hovering or flying, and last but not least, Damian's aggressive behavior, not to mention blunt way of speaking.

That just left Barbara, Kara, Kate, and Selina.

All four of which didn't permanently stay at the manor only once a week or twice in a two week period, thank God!

Yeah, piece of cake, right?


First morning together
Batfamily vs Superfamily

Wayne Manor, kitchen

Jason dragged himself into the kitchen and plopped himself down in front of the counter, not noticing or not caring that Peter was right beside him, innocently eating his cocoa puffs.

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