9] Normal days ruined

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Wayne Manor

Knock! Knock!

"School, Master Timothy.
Master Conner."

Knock! Knock!

"Time to arise, Master Damian.
Master Jonathan."

Knock! Knock!

"Must not be late for your school lessons, Miss Stephanie.
Miss Cassandra."

Alfred made the usual morning rounds of waking up all the necessary children for school, Dick and Jason, of course, had outgrown that tradition. Though sometimes they still liked waking up at the early hour out of nostalgia, sleep deprivation, or a killer hangover.


Kon mumbled something as he stretched out his arms trying to wake himself up for the day, he glanced over at his still sleeping boyfriend. Tim had barely slept in the last week, but then again Tim barely slept at all anyway.

Kon rolled onto his side and ran a gentle hand through Tim's messy bedhead, he heard a small murmur and reached down to kiss the inside of Tim's shoulder

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Kon rolled onto his side and ran a gentle hand through Tim's messy bedhead, he heard a small murmur and reached down to kiss the inside of Tim's shoulder.

Another murmur.

Kon smiled against his boyfriend's skin as he placed one more soft kiss to the same spot before adding more pressure and nibbling a small hickey onto the boy's smooth skin.


Tim tiredly shifted, his head barely lifting from the pillow to glance up into Kon's brilliant blue eyes.

Kon kissed his shoulder again, "we've got school," he whispered trailing a pattern with his mouth until he reached just under Tim's jawline, "we can't be late again."

"Says the guy with superspeed," Tim retorts in a mumble as he slowly turned around onto his back his head rolling to the side to look at Kon.

"And says the guy without," Kon shot back with an exceptionally handsome grin.

Tim rolled his eyes before letting out a content sigh.

If only every day could start like this, he thought.

Kon frowned at the sudden zoned out expression on his boyfriend's face and reached a hand out to gently massage the crinkle under Tim's forehead right between his eyes.

Tim jerked from the sensation and snapped out of his thoughts at the sudden affection, his eyes softening and a small, genuine smile spreading over his lips.

He took Kon's hand in his before leaning forward and softly pecking a kiss on the teen of steel's lips.

"Come on," Tim grinned, "before we're late."

Kon smiled and happily complied letting Tim pull him out of bed and into the joint bathroom.


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